Michael blurb

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{Credit to Kinkhemmings}

Fratboy!Michael was known for his snapbacks. He used them like a trademark; spend a night with him and you'd leave the next morning with one perched on your head. But that's all you'd take away from your evening- there would be no calls, no dinner plans, nothing but the hat he'd settle over your hair as he walked you to the door. You'd seen plenty of girls around campus wearing a coveted Clifford hat. They had smug smiles and sported the caps like a badge of honor, only to toss is aside a week later, when they realized that they really weren't going to get that second night. You knew the rules; and yet that didn't stop you from following him up the stairs one night, ignoring the jealous glares and hoots from his friends. And the next morning played out almost exactly as you thought it would, however instead of a snapback, he handed you his phone. "I don't think this is your normal style, Clifford." You said. He placed a hand against the wall, trapping you between himself and the door. "I'm not done with you just yet, love."

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