Michael blurb

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{Credit to Scandeniall}

ceo!michael with a big important meeting in the afternoon, his most important one yet and that morning he's a nervous mess, spilling coffee on his crisp white shirt having to change and the next cup of coffee he makes has too much water so he groans before just coming up to your shared room to attempt to put his tie on with shaky hands and you'd come out the bathroom to see him struggling with the tie so you just call out from the door frame asking if he needed help to which he'd mumble a yes before making his way towards you. "You're going to do fine. You are one of the smartest people I know. You're full of ideas and they're going to love them," you tell him as you do up his tie resting your hand lightly on his chest when you're done. He had a lazy smile on his face when he leaned in pressing his lips to yours, quickly relaxing into the kiss and a mumbled "I love you so much" was heard in between the kisses.

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