Calum blurb

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{Credit to Nevcrland}

Calum being your husband would include;

-lots of nudity around the house

-"My wife...god I love that and you."

-Getting a dog or two together because dREAM

-Constantly twisting his ring around his finger when he's nervous

-him learning how to cook simple meals because "if you can do it I can too"

-smoke alarms because calum

-him kissing your ring finger occasionally like he did at your wedding after he said his vows (srsly picture this)

-catching him wearing his tux on occasion

-"Calum will you stop buying pregnancy tests"

-Him really wanting kids right away

-Regular movie nights when he's home

-Poking his dimples when he even remotely gets kind of sad

-"CALUM HOOD I JUST FIXED THAT-fuckin hell fine."

-Him being clingy a'f...not that you mind

-Constant hand holding :)))

-*in interviews* "Yeah the missus and I"

-Not shutting up about you when he's away from you

-"Can we have pizza for dinner?" e v e r y d a y

-dance parties in the bedroom

-lots of loving aka sex

-aesthetic-y posts of your wine glasses

-sleepy selfies on instagram

-him getting your name tattooed somewhere

-secretly loving said tattoo

-"Can we name our son after me?"

-being late to almost everything because you guys can't contain yourselves

-"We make one hot couple baby girl."

-Random vacations/holiday's together

-becoming everyones otp

-dedicating every song to you (just the cute ones though)

-"Our family name makes us sound like gangsters."

-Carrying a photo of you on your guy's wedding day in your dress in his pocket for 'good luck' at shows

-"I'm so lucky to have you sweetheart, thank you for saying yes."

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