Calum blurb

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{Credit to Lowqualityirwin}

delinquent!calum in his white button-up half tucked into his school-issued pants with his tie messily knotted and flying in the wind, one hand hooked around his school blazer that was slung over his shoulder with the other hand running through his wind-missed hair casually sauntering towards you, a smirk on his beautiful face as he caught sight of you with your head buried in a thick textbook as you walked across the school ground to get to your next class. as he reaches you, his free hand wraps around your waist and swings you up, twirling you in a circle and eliciting several squeals from you and hoots and cheers from other students around you, before putting you down and spinning you to face him. he gently leans down, and places a soft kiss on your lips before tugging you in the opposite direction of the science building, which is where you're headed. "no calum, i have to get to class, you've already made me miss three this past semester!" you try to protest and he shrugs, "ive missed fourteen, and im fine" you shake your head, unconvinced. he pulls you closer to him, locking you in his embrace as he presses another kiss on your forehead. "come on" he whines. you laugh and deftly maneuver your way out of his arms and turn back towards the school buildings, giving him a wave as he stands there with his hands in his pockets and a pout on his face. half an hour later, in the middle of your physics lesson, your phone pings, alerting you to a new message. you discreetly check the new message, a gasp involuntarily escaping your lips. on the screen was a picture of a tent in someone's pants, with the message "thinking of u ;-)" attached. calum had sent you a picture of his boner. you shook your head, wondering what on earth did he expect you to do about it. "well then, you'll have to think harder" you reply, hoping your face isn't as red as you think it is. suddenly, you hear a voice call out, "miss y/l/n, are you paying attention?" you jump, your cheeks turning beetroot red as you stash your phone into the desk-drawer. "yes miss" "alright then, answer the question" your eyes widen as you glance around the room, expectant faces all around. "uh..sorry miss, what was the question?" you manage, as a "hmph" came in response to your question as the teacher turned back towards the board and started scribbling on it. you take your phone back out and message calum, "you've gotten me in trouble!! hush and go take care of yourself :p"

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