Ashton blurb

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{Credit to Likehemmins}

Dating Ashton would consist of him recording you basically all the time. on a road trip while you're taking your shift to drive, he'd start switching the radio stations until you yell at him to stop because this is a good song. and when you start to sing along, nodding your head to the beat or tapping your fingers on the steering wheel, he'd pull his phone out and try to casually record you until you notice and burst into a fit of giggles and shove a hand in the cameras way. he'd record you when you're just sitting on the couch cuddled up in a blanket with your phone only a few inches from your face and you're going on about your day and he'd laugh when you squeal and try to hide your face bc "i'm not even dressed, ash!" and he'd shut off his phone before moving over to kiss you and tell you "but you just look so perfect, darling." and then there would be those videos that you never even noticed him taking where you're cooking dinner and dancing around the kitchen or where you're half asleep and he stops rubbing your arm so you pull his hand back to you, but you find out when you see them on instagram with some cute caption about his 'cutie'.

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