Chapter 9

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You know,
there are some days where I really feel,
like this could work;
like you and I are finally gonna get it right,

Then there are days like today,
when you make me,
wanna tear my fucking hair out
-Forget about it // All Time Low

"What the hell is going on?" Ashton froze when hearing that voice, but slowly dropped the suitcase to the floor, before turning around. Luke stood behind him, hair flat against his forehead, shirt patched with sweat, and eyes glaring down at the shorter boy as he replied,

"I- er... we move in today?" The blonde boy rolled his eyes, not even attempting to conceal his annoyance,

"Oh, we're still going through with that shit?"

Ashton shrugged slightly,

"I guess?"

Luke sighed, but pushed a hand through his sweaty hair, before nodding towards the two suitcases on the floor,

"So, do you need a hand?" Ashton was surprised, but he didn't refuse the offer,

"Uh yeah sure, those two go in the room next to the bathroom you know the-" He was cut off by a slight chuckle,

"It's okay, Ash. I live here, remember?"

A blush rose in the shorter boy's cheeks, as he turned back to the luggage,

"Oh- yeah-"


"So where's the rest of your stuff?" Luke questioned, once they had pulled Ashton's suitcase up the stairs and into Luke's room.

"The rest?" He questioned. Luke nodded, sending him a confused look,

"You're staying here for a while, right? Is this all you brought?"

Ashton only shrugged, still not daring to sit down on the bed that had been carefully made up for him opposite Luke's,

"I- I guess I didn't want to clutter your room?"

Luke look surprised, but didn't comment.

"Okay well, sort your stuff out- I'm going to take a shower." Luke made his way to the door, before remembering something and suddenly turning back to face the older boy, "Oh, and Ashton? You'll have to come to football next Sunday. The lads uhh... they were asking about you."

Before Ashton could question any further, the blonde boy had left the room.


Luke showering gave Ashton the chance to do two things. 1) learn that Luke sang (very loudly) in the shower and 2) take a short snoop around Luke's room.

Luke's room was fairly large, and currently consisted of two single beds, both placed at opposite walls. The wall opposite the door had a large wardrobe (and Liz had said something about Luke giving Ashton half of it, to which Ashton had immediately disagreed). There was also an equitably large desk, with a desk chair- and just as much as mess on top of it, as Ashton's own desk held. Opposite Luke's bed, next to the bleached door, was a TV, perched on top of a corner stand, which was packed with an Xbox, and possibly every game that Ashton did and didn't know. It was almost impressive. But one thing that really impressed Ashton, were the few posters lined up on the wall of which Luke's bed stood. There were four posters. All Time Low, Bowling For Soup, Blink-182 and The All American Rejects. Yeah, this impressed Ashton.

He didn't risk running his fingers over the glossy posters (no matter how tempting), but instead opted to unpacking his bags. He had been given his own bed-side drawer, so he resolved to fill it with a few necessities and school books. He decided that his clothes could survive in his suitcase for a bit.

Another thing that Ashton learnt about Luke's showering habits, was that he took a very long time. He finally did re-enter the room about forty minutes later, with nothing but a towel around his waist. Ashton kept his gaze fixed on his phone screen.

"Uh... those are some cool bands" Ashton finally dared to speak once Luke had put some clothes on. Luke stopped fiddling with his hairdryer, before turning to Ashton,


"Those posters... on your walls- you have a good taste-"

"Listen um, Ashton"

Ashton clamped his lips together, not liking the look on Luke's face at all. It had turned from maybe I can tolerate you to yeah I actually can't tolerate you within four seconds.

"This..." Luke motioned around his room, gesturing towards the concept of Ashton sharing a room with him "...doesn't make us friends. I still think you're kind of a creep, and I don't like you. This is only happening because my parents said so, and our mums are good friends, and yeah you get the gist. We're only roommates for a couple of weeks, then you go back to being my strange neighbour okay?"

Ashton said nothing, watching Luke sigh at his silence, before turning his back to the shorter boy once again and turning on his hair dryer.

The hazel-eyed boy sat confused for a good thirty seconds, before the tension grew too thick for him to breathe, and he found himself quickly exiting the room.

Exiting the room was probably the best decision Ashton had made since he woke up that morning, because it made him bump straight into Jack Hemmings.

"Ashton!" the blonde boy grinned, ruffling the shorter boy's hair, "It's cool you guys moving in with us" He paused; noticing the semi-upset look on Ashton's face and sighed "Is it Luke? I'm sorry if he's being a dick. Luke's room is bigger than mine- and mum refused to let you sleep on the floor."

Ashton gave a small smile, only shrugging in response,

"It's okay. Your family's doing us a huge favour just letting us stay here. I only have to sleep in the same room as Luke. I'll be okay."

Jack grinned once again, and Ashton really couldn't help noticing how much he looked like Luke when he did that,

"You're a good kid, Ash. I hope you enjoy your stay at Hotel Hemmings. Any questions, just give me a buzz"

Ashton laughed, before asking shyly,

"Um... where's your kitchen?"


Although completely unnecessary, not only did Jack show Ashton the kitchen, but also gave him a tour of their entire house (which was actually a lot more unnecessary than it should be, because they were neighbours for god's sake, so the layout was basically the same as his own- but Jack insisted)

The Hemmings household held four rooms on the first floor- the games room, the living room, the dining room and the kitchen- as well as a bathroom. The second floor also consisted of four rooms- Jack's room, Luke's room, their parents room and two guest bedrooms (one of which was Ben's old room- Lauren and Harry had conquered that one), and a second bathroom. Finally, the third floor of the house had another room and a bathroom.

Ashton decided that, as long as Luke Hemmings stayed out of his way, then he would enjoy his stay at Hotel Hemmings.

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