Chapter 15

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Hey guys, so this is a double update because there was no update last week, so I double updated as well as updated a day early. So, make sure you've read chapter 14 before this one :-)


Tell me what is real,
am I crazy for living in my head?

Is it right to feel this way, dream this way,
when we're not even friends?

-Memory // Aleisha McDonald

"Would you please turn that shit off?" Luke groaned, back turned to his roommate as he sifted through his wardrobe

Ashton looked up from his laptop (that was currently playing a Tyler Oakley video), confused as hell,

"It's on mute? I don't understand why-"

"His face is too annoying to look at" Luke snarled, "Turn it off or get out."

The shorter boy sighed, closing the lid of his laptop before shoving it, as well as the school books on his bed into his rucksack.

"You know what Luke? I'm not stupid. But let me just tell you something- looking at gay people won't make you fucking gay-"

"I never-"

"No, shut up. Whatever, if you can't learn to accept yourself. But you should at least accept others." With these words, Ashton zipped up his bag, grabbed his phone, wallet and jacket, then stormed out the room- leaving a speechless Luke with his mouth hanging.


Ashton knew where he was going, as soon as he stepped out the house. In fact, there was really only one place where he could go that would welcome him warmly, as well as have a few of his clothes and other belongings from previous visits. With this thought in mind, he sent a quick text to his best friend, making sure he was home (and if he wasn't then to get the fuck home) before jogging the familiar route.

Ashton hadn't been to Rio's house since he moved, and so he obviously didn't realise how long it would take to walk there, although he did get there eventually- twenty minutes later than planned, but still in one piece (which is what mattered really.)

"Ashton!" Rio greeted him brightly when opening the door, but frowned when seeing how distressed his friend looked "Is everything o-"

"I kissed Luke" Ashton blurted out, then slapped a hand over his mouth

Okay shit.


"Okay, so you kissed Luke" Rio said slowly, once he had his friend seated with a cup of tea.

Ashton nodded, equally slowly, before shrugging,

"Yeah I kissed Luke" The shorter boy admitted. It felt weird saying it out in the open, but rambling out the whole story also felt like letting a huge weight off his chest. Rio nodded encouragingly, and Ashton smiled at the therapy. He could always count on his best friend.

"So, you like him?" Rio pressed on, and Ashton shrugged,

"I did. Not so sure if I still do"

The green-haired boy laughed, slinging an arm around his friend,

"You wouldn't have come to my door looking so stressed out if you didn't, Ash"

"But he doesn't like me back, Rio. What the hell am I supposed to do? I don't want to go back to the way we were before, he's such a good friend, and it sucks wanting more-"

I'm Sorry • LashtonWhere stories live. Discover now