Chapter 1

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'Okay, okay, I can do this. It's just a date,' Marcus thought as he straightened his tie. 'Wait, what am I thinking? This is no ordinary date! This is a date with the most perfect girl I have ever meet!'

"Marcus? Why are you getting so dressed up?" Douglas asked. He looked Marcus up and down in bewilderment. "Is there something going on that I should know about?"

"No," Marcus replied, straightening out his suit, "now can you leave?" Marcus went to his bed, grabbed his backpack and pushed through Douglas. "Don't wait up."

"What? Wait, no, what are you doing, Marcus? Marcus!" Douglas yelled, but by the time Douglas had finished his sentence, the door was slamming shut.

* * *

Bree getting ready for her date with Marcus made Chase sick. 'No,' he scolded himself, 'I can't be thinking about her in that way. It isn't right.' But it feels right, he knows in his heart that Bree and him were supposed to be together. But Marcus came to ruin that.

"Hey, Chase," Bree called cheerfully. She descended the staircase, "how do I look?" Bree looked absolutely stunning. She had a short, bright, red dress that came to her knees, and a pair of sandals.

"You-you look amazing," Chase got out. "Beautiful is a better word to describe you as, but..." He couldn't finish the sentence. Bree blushed a deep crimson and looked down.

"Do you really think so?" Bree murmured.

"What did you say?"

"Do you really think that I'm beautiful?" Bree started to walk towards Chase slowly. She walked until she was right in front of him.

"Yes, I do," Chase replied, not a second after the question was presented. The two were staring again, nothing could interrupt them, for now. Chase didn't know who leaned in first, all he knew was that he started to lean in as well. Centimeters apart, then a knock came. The two jumped apart.

Bree cleared her throat. "Uh, that must be Marcus, I'm just gonna go get that." But she didn't move.

"Y-y-yeah, I guess you should," Chase said shakily. 'Please don't go, please don't go.' His wishes were not granted. She turned away from him and went to the door.

"Hey, Marcus!" Bree exclaimed, faking happiness.

"Hey! You look great," he complimented. Really? That's all you got? Chase said I look beautiful, she thought. "So, are you ready?"

"You bet!" she replied, faking enthusiasm. Why had I said yes to Marcus in the first place? she asked herself.

Marcus held out his arm and waited patiently for her to take it. After moments of what he thought was hesitation, she linked their arms and gestured for him to lead the way.

                         *   *   *

Chase stared through the peephole of the Davenport's front door, watching everything Marcus did and Bree's reactions. Most were good, not a good sign for him. But when he offered her arm to him, he knew that she was hesitating.

"Hey, Chase," Leo called from the kitchen. "Whatcha doing?" Chase tore his eyes away from the peephole to see Leo making a sandwich.

"Nothing really, you?" Well, that was an obvious lie. Even Adam could have picked up on that one. Well, maybe not. Adam wasn't going to be held to that high of esteem.

"Making a sandwich, obviously. How are you the smart one, again?" Leo remarked, stunned by Chase's stupidity and inability to lie. "Now tell me the truth, what were you doing?"

"Nothing, all right?"

"You were spying, weren't you!" Leo exclaimed, happy about his deduction. This kid, Chase thought.

"If you're so smart, who, or what, was I spying on? Hmm? Answer that, smart guy," he replied, aggravation spewing from his every word.

"How about Marcus? And Bree? That who you're spying on?" How the heck? "Oh, are you mental?! The only reason I know that is because of Eddy, idiot! Did you think I was actually that smart and capable of coming up with that?"

"Well..." he trailed off, thinking about how easily he had been played.

"What was that near kiss about? You guys are siblings, you can't like, like each other. It's gross," Leo stated. Has he forgotten about his sandwich?

"We aren't actually siblings, all right? Only Adam and her are," he froze. Had he just admitted to Leo, of all people, the one thing that could actually tear this family apart? "You tell anyone that, I will rip you apart with my bare hands."

"Okay, okay, don't let Spike come out," Leo warned. "I solemnly swear, Boy Scouts honor, to be exact, that I will NOT tell Bree and/or Adam of this."

"Really? Boy Scouts honor?"

"What I said, isn't it?"

"Okay, go eat your sandwich," he shooed Leo away. Maybe he could have some time to himself. Maybe, just maybe, he could sort through his feelings for Bree.

Whelp, I got an idea. But is isn't a good one, he thought. "To the music room!" he declared as though he were a super hero.

Hours were spent on the perfect song, and he had finally finished. It was called...


I know, I know, I probably could have gone on longer. In fact, I should have made this chapter longer. But there are those people out there that don't like long chapters and I've got to take them into account as well. I'm leaving it up to a vote. Comment LONG for long chapters and SHORT for short chapters like so.

Thanks for the support! Until next time, ShadowWriter5

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