Human!Bill Cipher x reader (part 4) - Forgiveness

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(This part was a little weird while I was reading this)

"Bill? Bill! Are you in here?" you asked as you walked through your house in search of the demon. "He was supposed to be in here..." you said, finally reaching the living room.

Suddenly someone jumped right in front of you, making you almost jump out of your skin "Hey (y/n)! How are you?" "Bill! I've been searching for you for hours! Here the heck have you been?" he didn't even answer your question, he just grabbed your shoulders and started pushing you in direction of your front door "What I've been doing is not important, what is important is that you need to go outside and take some fresh air" "Go outside?" you asked, confused.

He smiled "Yeah, you're gonna be able to play lot's of golf and spent time with the grandkids!" "I don't have grandkids!"  "Well, now it's your chance to go get some" he said as he successfully pushed you through the door and slammed it in your face, leaving you outside.

"Wait, what just happened?" Bill opened the door "I'm kicking you out" he said, slamming it shut again. "Ok... just checking" you said and sighed.

--------(Time Skip)-----------------

After taking a long stroll through the village you decided it was time to go back home and maybe find out why the hell did Bill thought it was a good idea to kick you out of your own house.

Sometimes you wondered why you just deal with all the crap Bill throws at you. Maybe it's because you already got used to all of his shenanigans. 

Finally reaching your house you took the keys out of your pocket and opened the door, but as soon you entered you noticed that it looked like there had been an apocalypse inside your house: everything was a mess and some things where even broken.

You asked yourself what the hell he did to get the house in this state, but then you realized he probably just did this to irritate you. Bill then noticed your arrival and smirked "Welcome back (y/n)!" he said and bowed and took his hat off, making the whole house go upside down.

"Bill!" you yelled as you, along with other pieces of furniture, got thrown to the ceiling. "Whoopsie!" he said and put his hat back on, making everything fall to the ground.

You groaned in pain as your back hit the floor, but almost immediately recovered as you put yourself in a sitting position and glared at Bill "What was this for!?" Bill shrugged "I felt like doing it. You know, because it's fun!" you got up from the floor, furious "Prank me once, I'm mad. Prank me twice, how could you? Prank a third time, and you're officially that guy. You know the guy that every time you look at him you just want to say 'fuck you!'"

"Oh, this isn't that bad" "This isn't that bad!? Ok, that's it! I had enough of you!" you said and grabbing him by the collar you started to push him to the front door "Wait, what are you doin-" but before he could finish his phrase you successfully pushed him through the door and slammed it on his face.

Bill stood there for a few seconds, confused. And before he could say anything else you opened the door again "Oh, and in case you are wondering, I'm kicking you out" you said and slammed it shut again. 

"You do know that I can just go through walls" Well, shit. You didn't remembered that one. "Then I'm just going to give you the silent treatment"  "Wait, what!?" no answer "Ok, I'm sorry. Can I go in now?" still no answer.

He suddenly got an idea. Smiling, he disappeared into the forest, content with his brilliant idea.

----------Time Skip---------------------------------------------

After at least one hour of cleaning up the mess that Bill had made, you finally had time to sit on your couch, play some 3DS and enjoy the peace and quiet without Bill bothering you.

But as soon but as soon as you sit down on the couch you felt a hand tap your shoulder, making you let out a scream and jump out of the couch "Hi (y/n)!" "Bill! You really need to stop appearing out of nowhere. And besides wh-" You suddenly stopped talking as you remembered that you were spouse to give him the silent treatment and sitting back on the couch, trying to ignore his presence.

He sat in front of you, making you look at him "I know that you still angry at me, but look, I got you a gift!" he said as he practically shoved a box wrapped in a red ribbon in your face.

Curious, you opened the box only to find.... "Teeth?"  He smiled "Oh, but that's not just teeth, they deer teeth!" you gave him a 'Are you kidding me?' look. Then, out of nowhere, he pulled you into a bear hug "I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry!" he said as he pretended to be crying on your shoulder. You sighed "What am I gonna do with you?" "Love me, (y/n)?" "Always"


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