Bill Cipher X Reader: Prisoner (Chapter 4)

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-Welp. Exploring your mind will have to wait! Don't worry kid, I'll wait until you return before starting.... Byebye!~

The last thing you saw was him waving at you.

Bill watched you disappear before giggling.

You were a fool if you thought he was actually going to wait for you.

He started to explore your hopes and dreams. That would definitly help him charming you! As you probably noticed, Bill changed his way of approaching you. When he first encounted you, he tried to hurry you up, thinking you were like every other stupid humans. Bill thought he could just make you fear him, like he did with most people, convince you to make a deal and then he would've been free! But he soon understood that he had underestimated you when you miraculously outsmarted him. He then decided to act differently with you. Even if you read about him being an evil demon and all, Bill could always tell you that it was a misunderstanding or something... And for his little outbirst, he could always say that he simply got frustrated, right? The point is that it wasn't too late for you to trust him, Bill was convinced about this.

All he had to do was to make you think that the triangle and yourself could be friends and then, after you'd free him, Bill could just throw you away, now that you wouldn't be any use to him, just like a useless trash. He was really good at convincing people, after all, it was his job! The only thing that was going to make this a tiny bit difficult for the triangle, was the fact that you, a smart human, were being wary around him. He might have taken it the wrong way before, but now it kind of made him glad to finally have a challenge after all these years of doing nothing at all aside from existing inside that boring pendant...

He looked through all your dreams. Some were careers, others were stuff you wanted to have since you were a toddler, and don't forget your fantasies! Most of the time, he would just past, only watching them for a couple of seconds, laughing at how absurd some of them were. He liked seeing how much hopes you had, knowing that most of them would never come true. He also memorized all of them. Your dreams could always be useful to him....

A corridor then cought his eye more than the others.


This made him very curious. He thought it'd be so funny to annoy you with that! He chuckeld as he imagined the expression of surprise and embarrassement on your face if he listed all of the boys you ever had a crush on. Then, you would probably blush and get all mad at him for doing that. Bill didn't like to admit it, but everytime you were distabilized by something he said or everytime you actually tried to stand up to him, he couldn't help but finding you adorable, like the pathetic little human you were...

He looked at your crushes for a while before getting to see your current one: Sebastian.

-Well, well, well.... Isn't that just intresting....

He watched your wish about you and Seb getting together and chuckled as he got an idea from his twisted mind...


You opened your locker and took a look at your agenda to see what class you had this morning. You turned the pages until this week's schedule appeared. You winced.


Great. Now you were going to have a headache for the rest of the day! You sighed, getting your stuff.

You were really tired because of last night... Sure, you've slept, but exploring your mind prevented you from actually resting. You knew that your sleepiness showed too, since Candy, who arrived at school as early as you, asked you about it.

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