Bill Cipher X Reader Prisoner (Chapter 6)

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You were currently in your bedroom, laying on your bed, sobbing, your head buried in your sheets.

At that moment, you felt a mixture of sadness and anger. Unfortunatly, this combination made it hard for you to be able to calm down the way you usually did when you felt upset about something.

Bill hadn't showed up since the insident with your crush... Until now.

You felt someone patting your back. You immediatly froze and stopped sobbing, hearing the familiar voice.

-Poor little [Name], all alone in her room crying over a dumb boy...

You didn't reply, nor did you turn around, keeping your face resting on your bed, as your fists tightened. He was the last person you wanted to see right now.

-He doesn't deserve you sweety! Calling you a monster like that...

You pushed his hand away agressivelly. You didn't say anything, but you growled loudly at him.

He chuckled.

-Seb was so dumb he assumed that me possessing him was your fault! If I was you, I'd be pretty mad at him...

You turned around and his joyful eye met your furious looking ones. That was when you snapped.

-Of course I'm mad at him for being a jerk, but I'm FURIOUS at YOU!!!!! You KNEW he was going to react this way!!! Didn't you???

The triangle backed away and looked up, trying not to laugh.

-No I didn't...

You felt your blood boiling up inside. He wasn't even trying to lie proprerly, he simply wanted to mess with you again.

You groaned in frustration.


The demon came closer to you.

-Go ahead, hit me then, if that'll make you feel better.

You were so mad at him you didn't even took the time to think and your hand took a swing before heading towards him.

You realised, surprised, that you couldn't hurt the triangle when your hand passed right through him. You then felt stupid, as Bill was laughing uncontrollably.


He poked your nose.

-You're so much fun when your mad~

Your head jerked away from his toutch.


You turned around to face the wall, before crossing your arms. You were so mad that he always took your emotions so lightly!

There was a moment of silence before you heard Bill's voice again.

-You still haven't told me why you're so mad at me, you know.

You didn't respond right away, thinking. Was he really wondering why you were so mad?

You turned your head to look at him.

-Are you seriously telling me you have no idea what made me angry at you?


You turned yourself around completly to face him again.

-Unbelievable, you possess my crush's body and you expect me not to get mad at you???

-Hey, a lil' demonic possession never killed anybody! Besides, we both got what we wanted in this little experiment. I got to have fun and you got to hear the guy's love confession. Isn't that a win-win?

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