Human! Bill Cipher X Reader Be Mine Pt. 2

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Wait...What!? What is that supposed to mean!? HE DOESN'T OWN YOU!

-But...but....but...but.....That's not fair!

You shouted like a child throwing a tantrum. You face contorted with anger.

-And what do you mean that things are just starting to get crazy!?

You wanted answers, and you wanted them NOW. This guy had ticked you off. You were just about ready to jab his uncovered eye and walk away, but something told you he would probably torture you even more for that.

"Oh but y/n, this is very fair according to how deals work. You really should think before you speak." he said with a smirk on his face as he wagged his finger sarcastically. You frowned and mumbled something he couldn't hear, he seemed to ignore is and continued talking.

"And you will find out what I mean in time, it won't be hard to miss!" he said with an evil smirk that kinda freaked you out before he disappeared and all color returned to the room, and everything started to move again. You were some how on the floor. You sat up and looked at yourself in the mirror.

Your eyes looked....weird....your pupils looked like they had gotten a little thinner. It was probably just your perspective. You thought about what all just happened. It MUST'VE been your imagination, things couldn't be that weird, not even here. You got up and walked downstairs.

Your dad was there talking to some kid, you decided not to int erupt, so you went outside.

Things were very peaceful here in Gravity Falls, even though you weren't crazy about nature, it was nice to take a walk in the woods where things weren't crazy. You stopped as something jabbed at your foot and looked down. Some sort of crystal was through the sole of your shoe.

You pulled the crystal out of your shoe, wincing as it pulled out of your skin to. The crystal was a soft blue, and was very pretty. You held it up to the sun, it projected a light that hit you, and suddenly you began to grow. You threw down the crystal and you stopped growing, though you were still bigger.

You started to panic, but calmed yourself down knowing that it wouldn't do anything. Suddenly Bill appeared next to you in his human form. "My have you grown!" he said with amusement. "What the hell did you do!?" you snapped at him as you made a fist with your hands. He scoffed sarcasticly, "I didn't do anything, it was the crystal that you were holding, I'm surprised you would think I'd do such a thing." he said with a fake hurt tone. You rolled your eyes, "Just tell me if I can turn to normal." you said scowling at you. "Aw, but you're so cute when you're angry..." he said with a smirk making you blush. "BILL!" you said with embarrassment and anger.

"Fine fine fine" he said his smirk turning into a frown. "Just hold up this crystal to the light and stop when you feel you are the right size..." he said pointing at a smaller pinkish crystal. You took the crystal and held it up to the light, the same thing happened, except you became smaller. You stopped when you were your normal size.

"What are those things anyways?" you asked as you brushed some dirt off of your shirt. "They're height-altering crystals, you probably shouldn't touch anything else in the forest." he said looking at his nails as if he was bored. "Unless you REALLY want me to help you~" he said with a smirk. Your cheeks tinted pink and you turned your head. "As if..." you said waling toward the exit to the forest. Bill chuckled behind you and followed.

===============================================LE TIME SKIPPY======================================================

                                                                                                Bill's P.O.V.

Man! This girl is a riot! So hilarious that she didn't know about the height altering crystals, although I was confused by her reaction to my comments about her. Usually human girls would deliver a slap to the face to whoever made comments like that....
Oh well! Not my problem now! I own her now and she's mine, and mine only. She was always to pathetic about things like the height altering crystals, that it was almost cute.

This girl was probably going to go insane by my pestering, but that is my goal for now. I chose her as the thing I wanted because I wanted to toy with her. All the other people in this damn town are already insane, so that wouldn't do much good, especially with that mind eraser that secret organization has (spoiler alert!!!).
The only reason I wanted to toy with her is because she will easily go insane in my hands, and she will probably kill herself....that is the only reason.......yeah.........the only reason....

Your P.O.V.

You woke up to some one shaking you. "noooooo....five more minutes...." you groaned as the shaking became more aggressive and you got up. You rubbed your eyes and saw your brother standing there. "What do you want..." you mumbled as you stretched. "We have school today, don't you remember?" he said as he turned to leave.! OH MY GOD HOW COULD YOU FORGET!? you quickly threw the covers off of yourself and started rushing around to get ready.

                                                                                    TIME SKIP TO SCHOOL

You were walking through the hallways to your next class, when some one stepped in front of you, making you run into them. "Hey y/n, where ya headed to?" you frowned as you saw the girl in front of you. "Class, now could you please move?" you said looking over her shoulder. The blonde haired girl stepped to the side so that you couldn't see again.

"Oh, I don't think I want to, you see, there's a fine for the new kids, and I just so happen to be the one to collect them." she said while extending her hand to collect your money. "Yeah right, like there's actually something like that Chelsea." you said as you stepped to the side and walked around her. Suddenly she grabbed your shoulder. "Tsk, tsk, tsk.....y/n, are we going to have to do this the easy way.....or the hard way?" she said while her grip on your shoulder got tighter.

"hmm....I choose.....NEITHER!" you said before you bolted down the hall, no longer worrying about getting to class on time. You looked behind you to see that two strong looking boys were also chasing you. 'Oh great, now they have their boy friends with them' you thought as you ran a little faster.

You looked behind you to see that the others were now way behind you, unable to see you because of a corner. You quickly took a sharp turn into the supply closet and stayed quiet. You waited until they ran past you, and then you let out your breath. Suddenly Bill appeared beside you, making you jump.
"God, you have to stop doing that..." you said as you calmed yourself down. He chuckled and opened his mouth to speak.

"So how's it going?" he said with a playful tone. "I don't know, how do you think its going?" you said with a frown. You heard one of the boys shout. "I think I heard something over here!" you clenched your teeth "Dammit, you gave me away!" you said to Bill with irritation and anger.

He shrugged and gave you a 'whoops' look. You quickly ran out of the closet and started running in the opposite direction of the other teenagers. Bill was running beside you with a smug look on his face. "What?" you said annoyed. "Oh nothing, it's just that right now you need my help.....although..." he stopped as if he was thinking.

"I'm not sure you would like that..." he said with a grin. "Are you freakin kidding me? Of course I want some damn help!" you said as you looked at him with an angry expression. "Not until you say please!" he said in a sing song voice.

That's it, you were in your 'don't take shit from nobody' mode and looked at him as if he had just broke your computer (reason for the computer thing: If anyone broke my computer, I'd tear them apart, burn their remains in a fire, then flood the place where the fire was).

"JUST GIVE ME SOME DAMN HELP AND GET ME OUT OF THIS." you snapped at him through clenched teeth. He seemed surprised and intimidated by your reaction, but he did what you said. Suddenly, you were in the class you were supposed to be in and out of trouble.
'What just happened...' you thought to yourself as the teacher took attendance.

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