Human! Bill Cipher X Reader Be Mine Pt. 1

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Second person P.O.V.

You were unpacking boxes nonstop, boxes, boxes, and oh look! more boxes. You were kinda upset that you and your family moved here because of your dad's "work". To you, his "work" was going around making himself look crazy, but you were ok with that. You were pretty weird yourself, at least that's what you told yourself. You were at least glad that you could start over at a new school. You didn't really have the best reputation at your old high school. Living a life as a teenager was hard.

You got into one of the boxes that you found out was REALLY heavy. "what's in this thing? bricks?" to said to yourself. You opened the box to find your dad's stupid conspiracy books. "Close enough" you said to yourself as you took out the thick books and put them on the shelves. You got to the last one, it was probably the dustiest thing you have ever seen, it looked like it hasn't been opened in years. You dusted off the book, coughing as a huge cloud of dust surrounded you. When the dust cleared, you looked at the title. "Gravity Falls Conspiracies And Mysteries" you read.

You rolled your eyes and examined the book some more. It had glitter all over it, and two pine trees with a rainbow in the background. "Was this made by four year olds or something?" You said aloud as you opened the first page.

By Dipper And Mabel Pines

"Hm" you thought as you folded the corner of the page, like you always do. You put this book under your bed, you never believed the silly conspiracies that your dad would get involved in, but you still liked reading fantasy things for interest. You unpacked more boxes until you dad came rushing into your room. "y/n! y/n y/n y/n! I have a job for you!" he said quickly as he fumbled into the room. "What is it dad?" You asked. "I need you..." he started as he started to fumble with papers that he pulled out of his jacket "to find this!" he finished as he handed you an old paper.

You inspected it, it looked as if it where a map. "Um... what is this?" you asked as you held up the piece of paper. "huh? OH! you mean that! It's a map for an artifact that I need you to find!" Your dad said joyfully. "Why can't you get it?" you asked with a bit of confusion. "I have a meeting that I need to go to with a boy called Dipper Pines." he said simply. "ok..." you said. His face lit up and he started shuffling through papers again. "Great! I'll be back soon! Don't forget the artifact!" he said said before running out the door. You still thought your dad was crazy, but he was still fun.

You were walking through the forest, trying to find this thing. "Man this forest is huge..." you said to yourself as you looked around through the tall trees. As you kept on walking you thought about how your dad said he was having a meeting with Dipper Pines. "Dipper Pines...where have I seen that name before..." you thought. Your thoughts were interrupted as you tripped and fell on something. You looked down at the object. It was an unusually perfect triangular stone. You looked around, the area was SUPER weird. The trees were oddly absent in certain places, making a triangle. The triangle in the absence was lit up by the sunlight that shone through.

You looked at your map. "Well...this is where its supposed to be..." you said aloud as you took a small shovel out of your bag. You started to dig, and you dug for a couple minutes, until you hit something. You looked at the object. It was a stone that had carvings, the main carving was the triangle with a single eye in the middle. "What the..." you said as you reached out for the stone. As soon as you touched the stone, you screamed in pain as a searing, burning sensation built up in your hand and spread to the rest of your body. The pain was so horrible that you fell to the ground, tears poking out of your eyes. The burning stopped and you sat up, your hands still really hurt. You looked at the palms of your hands and jumped at what you saw.

On both of your palms, was a symbol, that seemed to be burned into your hand, but now, strangely, it didn't hurt to use your hands. You noticed that the symbol on your hand was the same one that was on the stone. In fear, you re-buried the stone and ran back to your house.

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