A Normal Day [Bill cipher x reader]

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Mornings: You awoke to the feeling of patting on your face, you looked down to see Bill patting your face in his triangle form, " Hey Doll Hey! Stop sleeping and pay attention to me I'm bored!" He whined continuing the patting, with a sigh you just grab him and put him under the covers with you, he was going to object until you started to pet him, he then calmed down and went into a daze that would let you sleep for a few more hours, if you stayed cuddled up with him and someone didn't come to your house.

When you want to get out of bed: you woke up refreshed and tried to get out of be only to have bill growl at you. " not again" you muttered, though you should be used to him being like this. You do what you always do and pick him up so he gets ready For the day with you. After him watching you like the little bill he is when you were getting ready you kiss him on the forehead making him dazed enough for you to slip out of the house quietly, then run for your life cuz he's gonna be hunting you down soon since he decided when you go to visit Mabel and Dipper he would to, so he had nothing to do other than follow you. Everywhere.but sometimes he slips away at night or after dinner....

After finding friends and catching your breath: this time Mabel is with all of you too! You all talk and have fun when a certain dream ' demon' finally finds you looking pretty mad you pulled that on him again. So you instead of apologizing you hug him pet him, through him to mabel who catches him and run for your life again.

Running into the mystery shack literally: you ran into it.... making the S fall off after being put back on a few days ago, Whoot new record it stayed on for a few DAYS! Longest you have seen, being here already you decided to hang with dipper and his friends (Wendy's Friens BTW) .... I'm not talking about Soos.......... or Waddles just so you know, but after a while bill shows up again.... a little bit red ...... a bit red.....okay he is pretty upset now....

Calming Bill down: "You don't know how far I have looked for your kid!" " Bill calm down its okay..." you try to reason with him but it dosent really work "i have ran into many thing looking for you which is not good for a dream demon and you telling me to CALM DOWN!? KID ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW??!!" He said having a fit again " Bill if you calm down I will spend the rest of the day and night with you also if you let me hang with Dipper and Mabel for a little." You said not really amused while Dipper just stayed with Mabel in the background knowing how this will end. " and look dippers here to play with" you add something new, Dipper is shocked and starts to run but Mabel reaches back and grab his vests collar and drags him back " I guess your right ....and pine tree is fun to toy with.... HaHa!  Welp that means I'm staying!"

A little while later: you had to leave after eating over because bill decided to scare some people with horrible memories...... you also decided you had enough play and wanted to relax.

At home: as soon as you made it back home Bill insisted you payed attention to him until he leaves to do Bill things.... whatever a weirdo stalker Bill does at dark..... so while you did things you took bill, who was liking the attention ( beats watching people waiting, hoping to be summoned so he could finally have some fun and prevent anyone from figuring out the universe....and waiting to strike a deal to do things exciting, Kinda) by the time dinner is made and Bill had enough cuddles ( you drew a line at some point because he said he could stay here for all eternity...and longer) you made food for two and when you looked back bill was in his human form and after helping him a couple times to not stab himself with a fork or hurt himself you both finished with dinner then bill said he had to take care of things turned back into his triangle form and left.

After said Bill left.... then came back: by the time you got ready and read some of a book bill came back. Crashing through the wall... but he reversed it and the triangular hole was no more. Bill then went into bed with you ( sometimes hes a human sometimes he's not...) and cuddled up to you obviously not going to sleep but just going to stay their until he decided to mess with more people ( without you knowing). But with this normal day to an end you couldn't careless About what Bill would do without you knowing and cuddled up to his surprisingly warm (cooler in the summer somehow....) body and drifted of to whatever weird dream you dream. With bill still cuddling.

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