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Lydia's POV:

"Originally discovered nearly 5 centuries ago, it hasn't been over Mystic Falls in over 145 years." Mr.Tanner drones on and on. "Now, the comet will be its brightest right after dusk during tomorrow's celebration. Are we bothering you, Mr. Salvatore? Ms. Gilbert?". 'Ah, big sister, always getting into trouble.'


'Oh look at that, saved by the bell'. Trying to get away from Elena and Stefan's love-y dove-y relationship, I walked over and joins Bonnie and Caroline.

"I'm confused." Says Caroline. " Are you psychic or clairvoyant?"

"Maybe she's a which." I joke with my signature smirk on my face, not looking at Caroline, still pissed from last night.

"That's what my grams said. My ancestors were these really cool Salem witch chicks or something. Grams tried to explain it all, but she was looped up on the liquor, so I kinda tuned out. Crazy family, yes. Witches? I don't think so." Bonnie jumped in, causing Caroline and I to give her a questioning look.

"Yeah, well, feel free to conjure up the name and number of that guy from last night." Caroline said. I just rolled my eyes at this.

"Agh, classic Caroline! Always desperate and needing a guy hanging all over her in order to feel happy. Don't you think it's a little sad letting guys control your life." I pause and role my eyes as I turn to look her in the eye. "So who is it this time...the day after you were throwing yourself at Stefan, hm? Was he hot? Gorgeous? Unbelievably and undeniably sexy?" I ask with sarcasm.

"Yes, yes, and yes." Caroline said dreamily. "And what's your problem?!"

"My problem is that you are an awful friend! I'm in the hospital...and nobody comes to visit! I get discharged...and you can't even bother to take the time out of your night to give me a ride home! You completely abandoned me for some guy that you didn't even get the courage to talk to!" I screamed at her.

"First of all, I was drunk! What, you wanted me to drink and drive jut so your feelings wouldn't be hurt! Grow up!"

"When I got there, you were perfectly sober?! And the point is that I needed you! If this is how you treat your friends, choosing guys before someone you've known your whole life, than I don't want to be friends with you!" I screamed.

I stormed away from the argument, feeling entirely alone. Bonnie didn't even say anything, but I doubt she was on my side...nobody ever chooses me. I walked outside towards the field. I saw Jer and Ty and could literally see the tension in the air between them. Jer got really close up in Ty's face, so I ran over to them.

"Hey! Hey! That's enough! Walk away." Jer turned around and stormed off. 'Ugh, baby bro, what are we going to do with you?' I wondered sadly.

"Hey, you better keep your brother in line, before he says something he shouldn't to the wrong person." Ty warned me.

"Oh shut up, Ty. We're still not on speaking terms." I growled at him.

Oh, did I forget to mention that me and Tyler had dated. Yeah, well, I thought we were in love, and he had taken my virginity on our one year anniversary....and then the next day I found out that he had been cheating on me with Vicki Donavon for months. Let's just say I'm not over it yet.

"Oh come on babe, I..." I didn't even let him finish, and I turned around and walked away. Today has been just...awful.

I met up with Bonnie, Care and Elena later today.

"I am so sorry Lyd, I had no idea you were in the hospital still. If I did, I would have been the first one there!" Bonnie said.

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