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(Audrey Bellanger in the photo)

Lydia's POV:

Instead of waking up to the feeling of the soft cotton sheets on my bed, I felt leather on my skin and something cool pressed against my forehead. Slowly, I pried my eyes open and saw that the landscape was moving past the window that I was precariously laying against.

"How're you feeling?" I heard from my left and quickly turned my hearts see Damon driving the...mini van?

"Where are we?...And why are you driving a soccer mom van? Where's your car? Where are my friends..." Damon interrupted before I could continue to ramble and worry.

"We're in a soccer mom van because of your friends. We wouldn't of all fit in my car, so it's back at the boarding house. They're in the back, asleep." He paused as I turned around to see that what he said was true; all four of them were passed out, not a scratch on them. " And to answer your first question...we're in Georgia."


"I just have to see an old friend of mine." It was silent for about thirty seconds.

"Stop the car." I told him.

"What?" He seemed amused by my reaction.

"Stop the car." I demanded.

"Yeah...that's not gonna happen."

"Why are you doing this?! I just want to go home instead of helping you with your master plan!"

"How'd you..." I cut him off.

"You're transparent when you're deflecting. I'm not going to Georgia"

"Well you're in Georgia, honey, and without that magical vervain of yours. I could very easily make you...agreeable." He turned towards me with a smirk on his face.

"What about my friends, huh?! Did you think about them? What are they gonna say when they wake up?" I questioned him.

"Already compelled them to forget about the car crash and think that you planned this road trip to help them forget about their problems." He said like he was proud of himself.

"I have to go home, Jenna'll be worried sick. Nobody knows where I am!" He looked at me with just a hint of sympathy in his eyes.

"Do you really wanna go home?" He asked.


"Ok." He said. I sighed in relief.

"So you'll take me home?"

"Nope." He said with a smirk. I was taken aback by what he said.

"Look, if you cared about my feelings at all, then..." This time he was the one to cut me off.

"What makes you think I care about you at all. Because I pulled you and your friends out of your smashed up car, because I tried to kiss you? You ever think that maybe I'm just using you and messing around with you. Now if you died, who would I have to bother? You mean nothing to me. You're just some stupid witch who is my ticket to getting Katherine back." Damon stared into my eyes and began to compel me. "Now sit there, shut up and don't speak until I tell you you can."

Every word was like a knife being stabbed into my heart. I feel so stupid, to even think that Damon could give a shit about me.

The compulsion worked and I shut up immediately. As my friends slept in the back, I kept my gaze outside of my window, trying to cry as quietly as I could.

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