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Lydia's POV:

I'm standing in the middle of the woods. How did I get here? What am I doing here?

"Lydia..." I hear a whisper behind me, but when I turn around, no one's there. I take a deep sigh and turn back around. And there, standing in front of me...is me.

"This is a dream...this has to be a dream." I say out loud, mostly to myself.

"I'm Samantha. You know that. We're family" My reflection says.

"No...how is that possible? You look exactly like me..."

"All will be explained in due time."

"Where am I?" I question her

"This is where it all started. This is where it has to end."

"No this isn't real!" I scream at her. I think I'm going crazy.

"Help me." I turn away from her and see Bonnie.

"Bonnie?" She turns around to look at me.

"Lydia?" We rush towards each other and embrace each other in a giant hug. I pull away to see her terrified face, mine probably looking similar.

"Help us!" To my right is Samantha and to my left is who I assume is Emily. "Help us!" They scream again.

Suddenly, I jolt awake, laying in the same place as my dream, with Bonnie on the ground a few feet away from me...What the hell just happened?

Bonnie and I parted ways so that we could both go home and change out of our pjs. When I arrived at school, I saw Damon sitting on the hood of his car. I hopped out of my jeep, that I worked my ass off to pay for by the way, and Damon waved me over.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked kind of rudely. He killed Lexi, and I am pissed.

"Just came to see you." He looked down at my chest. "Where'd you get that necklace?" He asks me.

"None of your damn business. Just leave me alone Damon."

"Did someone give that to you?"

"How could you!" I asked, changing the subject. "She was your brother's best friend. She was your sister's best friend! And you just killed her. Without a second thought!" He paused for a second, just staring at me without any emotion on his face.

"You promised you'd help me accomplish what I came here to do...and in order to that, I'm gonna need to borrow your necklace."

"You know what? You can go to hell!" I yelled in his face and then ran back to my car. Sometimes he can be so...confusing and infuriating. I started my car and drove to the boarding house...who needs school, right? I parked my car and headed inside without knocking.

"Aria!" I called out but got no response. I checked around the entire bottom floor and found zilch. I headed upstairs and started checking rooms. Finally, I came to a room that had been completely torn apart. And there, in the corner, sat Aria, with her knees tucked into her chest and her eyes staring at nothing. I walked over to her and sat down next to her, mirroring her position. Neither of us said anything, comforting each other in silence. We sat there for an hour before Aria spoke up.

"I met Lex before Stef did..." She whispered. "I was back home in London at the time. We both ended up going for the same dinner. Some idiot pervert in a club. We decided to share him...and the rest is history. She stayed in my flat for a short time. She was fighting with her boyfriend and I offered her a break. Those few weeks is when I had some of the most fun I've ever experienced. She...has been my rock... my best friend...the sister I never had, for I don't know how many years." She started to get teary eyed. "And now she's just...gone." She broke into sobs and I hugged her. She squeezed me back and held me so tight like if she let go, I'd disappear.

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