Felicity's POV
"Follow me, I'll show you where you can work."
"Thanks... So how long have you worked here?"
"Two years. I have a friend named Cisco in the science department and my other friend Caitlin is the on hand medic."
"So how did you meet Mr. Queen."
"I may have hacked his company in hopes of exposing corruption in the company."
"What? And he hired you?"
"Ya. He wants to make sure people like me don't get into the system anymore."
"He is a good person, his mom on the other hand you need to watch out for."
"Trust me, I know. She is an evil thing."
"One time I had to go to their mansion to fix his sisters laptop and she gave me a death glare the whole time. Acting like she was above all other beings." We burst out laughing.
"Good thing it's only their mom. Thea is great, she helped me get ready."
"You live with them?"
"Ya, Pretty Boy is just trying to make sure I don't get into anymore trouble. Even though it was my ex that wiped a lot of their accounts."
"And you got caught?"
"We wouldn't have if not for him."
"Where did you go?"
"MIT '09"
"Cool, CCCC '10."
"So this is where you can work."
"Wow, these systems are a bit dated." I walk over to it and open the program as well.
"The program is in need of a major update as well."
"We've been trying for new systems, but it's never been in the budget. They're trying though."
"No wonder it only took ten minutes to get in. This fire wall is awful. Who did it?"
"Um, I did."
"Sorry, but it's inadequate. It wouldn't be able to hold up under a cyber attack. Plus I can still see my virus throughout the code."
"Well, you are the one who is supposed to make sure it doesn't happen anymore."
I begin typing rapidly, inserting codes to kill my virus. Then I go through and enhance the old coding, making the firewall match that of the Whitehouse.
"You did all that in fifteen minutes?"
"Wasn't hard. The security should keep people out now." I pull a strand of hair behind my ear.
"Wow... Are you single?" I hear him ask under his breath.
"Yes. Is that it?"
"Uh, ya... You want to meet my friend Cisco?"

Bloodline Series Book 1: Switched- Olicity
FanfictionWhat if five years ago Oliver Queen was different? He was an upholding college student with a bright future ahead of him. What if he had never gone on The Gambit that fateful night? What if five years ago Felicity didn't loose her boyfriend Cooper...