Oliver's POV
I walk through the front door, only to be swarmed by the small forms."Daddy!" I lift Rey into my arms, her blonde curls bouncing.
"Hey princess, were you good for Mommy?"
"Yep!" Robbie pulls on my pant leg, leading me into the kitchen. I stand there watching as Felicity types, focused on her computer. I set down Rey and the two go get their mothers attention.
She looks up finally seeing me there.
"Hey... I didn't hear you come home..." She walks over to me, pecking me on the lips.
"Eww..." Robbie and Rey chorus, being four years old.
"How was work?"
"As good as it can be when your trying to run a company."
"Oh you poor thing..." She walks over to the kitchen table, and I start to make dinner.
Robbie sits on his mothers lap, while Rey begins to type on Felicity's computer.
"Honey, don't play with mommy's computer."
"I want to see Aunt Thea."
"Aunt Thea and Uncle Roy are on vacation." At that very moment the doorbell rings, and I go answer it knowing its my sister behind the door.
I quietly lead the two to the kitchen where Felicity sits in shock seeing them.
"What are you guys doing here?!"
"Aunt Thea and Uncle Roy reporting for babysitting duty.""Yay!" The twins run over tackling them.
"You two are going on a date night."
"What? Oliver did you plan this?"
"We haven't really had any quality time together since I got back to the company." She rolls her eyes, still smiling.
"So he called us and pulled a few strings."
"Now go get ready. We reservations for eight."
"Alright Mr. Pushy Pants." She shakes her head, going off to get changed. As soon as she's gone Thea pounces.
"Do you have it yet?" I pull the ring box from my pocket, fully aware of what I'm going to do tonight.
"Ollie it's perfect."
"What is it?!" Thea and Roy each pick up one of the twins so they can see.
"Is that for mommy?" Rey asks.
"Why?" Robbie follows up my answer. Being toddlers they want to know everything.
"Because I love her very much. But you two need to keep this between the five of us okay?"
"Okay." They chorus.
"Good. Now behave for your aunt and uncle." I place a kiss on each of their foreheads before going to check on Felicity. I slip the ring back into my pocket as I enter the room.
"You look beautiful."
"Really. Are you ready to go?"
"Let me grab my jacket."
Felicity's POV
I was shocked that Oliver had arranged a date night, but glad at the same time. As much as I loved the twins, they had inherited their fathers energy level.
Grabbing my jacket, we slip out of the house, Oliver still keeping our destination secret.
"Will you please tell me?"
"I don't think so. I'd rather show you."
"Oliver." The car comes to a stop, and I see we are in Starling City Park.
"Why are we here?"
"You'll see."
"I thought you said we had
reservations?""I lied." He smirks before getting out of the car. Coming over to my side he opens the door for me.
"Ms. Smoak."
"Mr. Queen." He guides me over to a small table that's candle lit in the middle of the park.
"This is very romantic." I sit down, and I begin to notice how nervous Oliver seems.
"Is everything okay?"
"Everything's fine..."
"You seem nervous."
"I'm fine. Everything is going to be fine." I raise my brow, but gasp as he gets down on his knee.
"Felicity Meghan Smoak. From the moment I met you, I knew that you were special. I fell in love with you the first time I saw you, and haven't stopped in the five years we've been together. In that time you've managed to give me everything I could ever ask for. A partner, a friend, someone to love, and a family. Now the only thing that can make it any better is if you become my wife. Will you marry me?" I sit there in shock for a moment before the words finally sink in. Getting down on my knees so that we're eye to eye, I kiss him passionately.
"I take that as a yes?"
"Of course." He slips the ring onto my finger, and engraved on it it says Pretty Boys Girl.
"Wow Oliver..."
"Do you like it?"
"Yes, but you know what? I'll like being your wife even more." He helps me to my feet before kissing me again.
All those years ago, I never knew life could be so perfect. Now I have a family, a man who loves me, and a job. Oliver Queen saved me. Who knows though? What if all these years had been Switched?

Bloodline Series Book 1: Switched- Olicity
FanfictionWhat if five years ago Oliver Queen was different? He was an upholding college student with a bright future ahead of him. What if he had never gone on The Gambit that fateful night? What if five years ago Felicity didn't loose her boyfriend Cooper...