Felicity's POV
It gave me some piece of mind that I had finally told Oliver about Ray. I just never wanted to speak about again if I could; Those days had scarred me for the rest of my life.
I was a huge computer nerd in high school, I even had the thick glasses. No one wanted to be my friend, let alone the thought of having a boyfriend was completely illogical. So I guess you could say that I was very shocked when the cutest guy in my tiny school started talking to me. We hung out all the time, and he was the sweetest guy. Until a year after we started dating, he started to beat me. He said if I told anyone about it, he would hurt my mother. So I kept my mouth shut, and put up with him.
Finally I had enough and reported him. He was arrested and sentenced to life in prison, which helped me a lot. That is until now... Apparently he had gotten out on good behavior.
"You ready to go?"
"Sorry Dig, just a lot on my mind."
"It's fine, nothing is going to happen to you."
"I wish I was so sure."
"Oliver is, and that should be enough for you." I grab my bag and head to the car. We were headed to the airport to pick up my mother. She had finally saved enough money to make a flight to Starling. Having her here would give me some comfort, knowing that Ray couldn't go after her. Unfortunately Oliver had to return to his duties as CEO, so I was being babysat by Dig.
We arrive at the airport and head inside to wait for her.
"Stay close."
"Alright." We wait for about an half hour before I see the familiar blonde hair.
"Mom!" I run over and hug her for the first time in seven years.
"My baby girl... All grown up." I step back and see she hasn't hanged a bit. Wearing three inch heels, a short, blue dress, and then she was at least wearing a jacket over the top.
"Let's go." I lead her over to Diggle, who kept watch the entire time.
"Who's this?"
"John Diggle. I'm Felicity's body guard." She shakes his hand.
"You can afford a body guard?" She looks at me completely shocked."No, but my boyfriend can."
"You have a boyfriend? "
"Yes. Now if we go, you can meet him." We drive back to the apartment. I open the door and see Oliver in his suit talking with Thea. He turns and smiles at us.
"Hi... You must be Ms. Smoak. I'm-"
"Oliver Queen..." She shakes his hand slowly, a smirk on her face.
"And this is my sister Thea."
"Nice to meet you." Thea hugs my mother while I stand next to him. He rests a hand on the small of my back, keeping me close. Knowing he will support me during this time, means the world. I was so scared he was going to leave, not wanting to deal with my problems.
That very moment there's a knock on the door... I hold my breath as John answers the door.

Bloodline Series Book 1: Switched- Olicity
FanfictionWhat if five years ago Oliver Queen was different? He was an upholding college student with a bright future ahead of him. What if he had never gone on The Gambit that fateful night? What if five years ago Felicity didn't loose her boyfriend Cooper...