Okay guys, I'm cutting you a break, but this chapter needs to get to 25 votes, or no update. >_< Love you guys!
Felicity's POV
After sitting in the apartment with Oliver for a while, I watched as a smile spreads across his face.
"What are you thinking...?"
"I'm thinking it's about time that we have some time out."
"What about Ray?"
"In not going to let anything happen to you, and right now what we both need is a distraction."
"I'm not sure..."
"Common Felicity. It's about time that we have a chance to act like a normal couple."
"What's gotten into you? Where's my serious Oliver? And what have you done with him?" He laughs gently, light reaching his eyes.
"What do you have in mind exactly?" He gets a look on his face and the next thing I know, I'm lacing ice skates onto my feet.
"How did you talk me into this?" I ask, as I zip my jacket up all the way.
"I didn't. I forced you to come."
"Ya... How did you get me to do that?"
"Obviously it's my good looks and charm."
"Obviously..." I say with a hint of sarcasm, earning a playful glare from Oliver.
"Common." He pulls me to my feet, leading me towards the almost empty rink.
"Did I ever tell you that I have no foot coordination?"
"Don't worry. I won't let you fall."
"I'm trusting you." I slowly step onto the ice, slipping in the process. Oliver keeping his word, catches me before I can fall."Nice catch..."
"It was my pleasure." He begins to slowly lead me forward, allowing me to figure out my footing.
"How are you skating backwards?"
"My dad used to bring Thea and I every Christmas Eve when we were little."
"That's nice...""It was." He moves from in front of me, to my side, taking my hand in his. We end up skating until I can no longer feel my fingers. I also manage not to fall and embarrass myself.
"Can we go inside now...? I can't feel my face." He laughs as my teeth chatter from the cold. Earning him a slap on the arm.
"Don't laugh... I'm freezing." I whine, trying to shove him into a store. He wins, being stronger than me.
"There's a cafe down the street we can go to."
"Mr. Queen!" I glance over my shoulder and see reporters and photographers running towards us. Oliver takes my hand and bolts, dragging me along. We turn a corner, into an alley. We stand there for a moment, holding our breath as they run by.
"I am so sorry about that..." I bend over catching my breath.
"Well... At least... I can feel my... Face... Now?"
"Are you alright?" He asks, a smirk playing on his lips.
"Oh ya... I'm great. Running from your fangirls is exactly what I was thinking when you said normal couple."
"I'm just messing with you Oliver. Can we please go inside now?"
"Of course. I think it's safe..." He glances around the corner before leading me, very quickly, to the cafe.
"Finally. I thought my nose was going to fall off from the cold."
"You would still look beautiful without it."
"Aren't you just laying on the charm?"
"Go get some hot chocolate lover boy.""Yes ma'am." He pecks me on the lips before walking over to the counter. I sit down at the table closest to the small fire place.
My hair is wet from the snow flakes melting on it. I quickly braid it down my back, then roll it up, keeping it in place with a pin.
"There you are." Oliver sets a mug in front of me on the table, before sitting down next to me.
"Thank you." I sip some of the warm coco, Oliver watching me in amusement.
"Can I help you Mr. Queen?"
"It's just good to see you in a good mood today."
"Depends on your company. Plus, I'm pretty sure my face is frozen in a smile."
"Stop whining. You enjoyed it."
"Ya, when I managed to take to steps without falling on my butt." He rolls his eyes, drinking from his mug.

Bloodline Series Book 1: Switched- Olicity
FanfictionWhat if five years ago Oliver Queen was different? He was an upholding college student with a bright future ahead of him. What if he had never gone on The Gambit that fateful night? What if five years ago Felicity didn't loose her boyfriend Cooper...