Chapter 1: Missed me?

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Check, no existence, and this player has a name!


-Chapter 1: Missed me?-

Three years later:

"Come on Sophie, we have to go to the Hill's house for dinner"- mom called me from downstairs.

I finished the movie I was filming, and some other shows but I decided to go back to school for my senior year.

We just finished unpacking, and rearranging stuff, and mom wants us to go the Hill's house (Lilly's and Nick's) for dinner. I'm not going.

"Mom, I feel sick"-I lied.

"Sophia Christine Brooks, get your butt down here!"

Oh no, she used my full name.

"Coming" I'm scared of her when she uses my full name.

I'm wearing a peach summer dress that fits my body perfectly and (throwing my own style in) some white all-star high tops

"You are not wearing those shoes" Can't you just leave me walk down the stairs in peace?

"Katy, she can wear any shies she wants"-dad told my mom. Thank you dad.

"Where's Conner?"-I asked.

Conner is my three year old little brother. My mom had him when we where living in L.A.

"I don't know"-a little voice said.

That voice is coming from behind the couch.

"I guess we'll leave Conner alone, in the dark, hearing little kids cry"

When I said that mom smacked me.

"I'm here"-he said popping out of the couch.

I picked him up and left the house. He's the cutest little brother ever.

"Sopie"-he said. Yes, he calls me Sopie, but I like it.


"Can you put me down?"-he asked smiling.

I put him down and grabbed his hand. I might seem overprotective but it's just that he's my only brother.

"Mom, hurry up"-I whined. Dad's already next to us and mom is still locking the door.

It took five minutes for mom to catch up with us.

"Ring the door bell"-Mom ordered.

I rang the door bell and sighed.

Opening the door was a very happy Mrs.Hill gesturing us to come in.

"It's nice to see you guys again"-Mrs.Hill said with eyes filled with joy "And who is this little cutie?"

"I'm Conner"-he said grinning showing her his one loose tooth.

"Nice to meet you Conner"-she said walking to the kitchen "Sophia, you look so different"

I'm not sure if that's a compliment "Thank you?"

"It's a compliment sweetie"-she reassured me.

Sure I look different, but not too different. I were contacts now that show my clear blue eyes, and my dirty blonde hair is shorter and has more volume.

"Seat down"-she said snapping me out of my thoughts.

I did as I was told. Her kitchen is the same, the walls are decorated with utensils, and spices. Weird, I know. It still smells like chocolate chip cookies.

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