Chapter 8: Disney...a place to find true love!

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-----------------------------------------Chapter 8: Disney...a place to find true love!-

Airports, don't like them at all. Especially when people recognize who you are and start bugging you.

Right now I'm in the plane waiting to take off. I'm sitting next to Conner and a cute little girl who looks the same age as Conner.

The little girl has light brown hair, which are in pigtails, freckles in her cheeks, and the most beautiful hazel eyes. She looks delicate.

"Ms"-the little girl called me.


"Are you Hanna Montana?"-she asked me. She looked at me with happy eyes.

"No" I know she's disappointed cause she slumped in her seat and a little tear escaped her eyes.

"Don't cry, your making me sad"-Conner said in his cute little voice.

"Ew, your a boy"-she said.

Conner looked at her and then at me, he scooted closer to me. "You have cooties"-he told her. My brother turns from nice to disgusted in a second.

"Where's your mommy and daddy?"-I asked her.

"Mommy's over there"-she said pointing at a middle aged women in the row behind us "And daddy is in heaven with the angels"-she said.


At least she has one thing in common with Connor.

Half way to Florida Conner fell asleep, and so did the little girl. They talked before they fell asleep and it was so cute. She even said she was tired and Conner kissed her cheek and said goodnight. It was so cute! Her mom gave me her number so we could meet someday and Conner and the little girl named Alice could talk.


Were staying in the Cinderella castle! When I was little Cinderella was my favorite princess, and so was Mulan. I mean a butt kicking princess! Who doesn't like that?

"Conner, look this is were we are staying"-I told him. I showed him the castle, but he looked bored with it.

"I wanna go see Mickey"-Conner said.

"Later, first we'll unpack"-I told him.

He groaned but went along with it.

"It's beautiful"-I gawked at suite.

"Eh"-Conner said.

"Eh, Eh?"-I mimicked him and got closer to him then I tickled him.

"Stop! Can't...breathe"-he said between laughter.

"Oh Conner, you are such a drama king" I stopped tickling him and gave him a hug.

"I love you mommy"-he said. I pulled away from the hug and looked at him. He looks just like dad. Short dirty blonde hair, and brown eyes.

Dad, I miss you!

"Let's start unpacking"-I tell him.

We finish unpacking half an hour later.

"Now can we see Mickey?"-he asks me.


He ran out the door but I stopped him before I lost him.

I locked the door and left the castle. I feel like a princess. Cheesy, right? It's just that when I was little dad always called me his little princess, and he always dresses me up in a Cinderella dress.

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