Chapter 6: home is were the famous people are

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This chapter is dedicated to superman12 for being an awesome fan!


-Chapter 6:: home is were the famous people live-

"Now you know he's not the one"-My best friend from California, Ashley tells me. I called her and told her everything that happens to me.

"And I thought I loved him"-I laughed. Suddenly Nick came in with a worried expression.

"Sophie I need to talk to you"-he said.

"Is that you-know-who?"-Ashley asked.

"No, Voldemort is not here. I know you have an obsession with the Harry Potter movies, but it needs to stop"-I said. I could practically hear her rolling her eyes.

"Soph"-Nick called me. Oh, so know you have a nickname for me?

"Talk to him, but don't let his charms get you. And my obsession with Harry Potter stopped, just so you know. Now, go talk to 'he who must not be named'"-Ashley said.

I hung up and looked at Nick. "Shoot"-I said.

"Actually, its my mom who needs to talk to you"-he said with a weird look I couldn't read.

"O-kay"-I said slowly standing up from the floor.

"She's in the kitchen"-he said and hurried of to his room and locked the door. Really, locking the door?

I went to the kitchen to find her cooking something delicious.

"Hey"-I said making her jump.

"Sophia, I saw you with Nick today and I think you should leave. When I saw him almost kissing you it made me think, you can't be here. Pack up your stuff and go to your house, before you guys do something you might regret"


"Are you kicking me out?"-I asked making sure if I heard right.

"I wouldn't put it like that"-she said. Anger is now running through my veins."And Conner stays with us"

Now I'm really angry. "No, Conner is coming with me. I'm eighteen, my birthday was two weeks ago and nobody remembered"-I yelled.

"Don't yell at me!"-she yelled back.

"You are not my mother, nowhere near to being my mom, so why shouldn't I yell at you"-I said anger in my voice.

"Leave,NOW"-she ordered. "And your always welcome to stay for dinner, Nick's high school friends are coming"-she said sweetly.

Is she bipolar?

I ran upstairs and packed everything including Conners stuff. I went home and put the stuff down.

"So how am I going to break up with him"-I thought. It's gonna be easy since I no longer like him anymore.

When it was dinner time I changed and went to the Hill's house.

"Hey, Sophie, come here"-Nick said motioning me to come where he was.

I walked over there and saw some familiar guys.

"Sophie, do you remember them?"-Nick asked. One of them has red hair, brown eyes, and freckles all ore his face. The other one has olive skin, hazel eyes, an curly brown hair. And the last one has a pointy nose, blonde shaggy hair, and green eyes. Then it hit me.

"I remember you guys! You used to call me a nerd, you a loser, and you a dork"-I said pointing to them.

"Sorry about that by the way"-the olive skin guy said.

"Boy, did I hate you guys"-I laughed "I mean I never hated anyone until I met you guys, and it was like my veins boiled from anger when I saw you guys, it's nice to know they don't anymore"

"Sophie what are you doing?"-Nick asked. They all looked at me with anger in they're eyes.

"Bothering a nerd could be fun, but not when the nerd turns into a celebrity guys are dying to go out with"-I told them.

Nick pulled me away from the crowd. "What are you doing?"-he asked.

"Just making small talk"-I said shrugging.

"Are you going to talk to them again?"-he asked.


"Then don't say anything stupid"

"I never say dumb things"-I whined.

"Now you are, and if you are gonna keep talking like that to my friends I suggest you shut up"

"I've had it!"-I yelled. "With you, your mom, and your sister!"

"What did I do?"-he asked innocently.

"First of all, you cheated on me and now your telling me to shut up!"-I yelled not caring if the whole world heard us.

"How do you know?"-he asked.

"I read that text message that a girl sent you"-I answered.

"It could have been anything"

"Really? Babe, call me. I miss my boyfriend, and I really, really, really love you, can mean anything?"

He nodded. "Your pathetic"

"I wasn't the one snooping around"

"I'm glad I did, you know what. Were over, I never want to see you again"

"Your breaking up with me?"

I looked at Mrs.Hill she looked at me like she won the lottery. "Conner come on were going home"

Conner came running to me and I picked him up.

"Home?"-Conner asked.

"Yeah, were going back to California"-I said and left the house with Conner in my arms.

"Yay!"-Conner aid full of excitement.

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