Chapter 9: A date with an almost stranger...sounds better when you say it

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Im back now! I'm sorry I didn't upload yesterday, I was in a place all day that didn't have internet. Sorry :(



"What's with guys and smirking?"-I asked him. I really want to know the answer.

"I don't know"-he answered. What a great explanation.

"Hello, still hungry"-Conner whined. I forgot he was there.

"Come on"-I said.

Let's just say we ate, we went on rides and then, it was time for my date.

Let's just see if he's the one.

-Chapter 9: A date with an almost stranger,sounds better when you say it

"You look beautiful"-Adam told me when he saw me.

"Do I look beautiful?"-Conner asked.

"No, you look handsome"-I laughed. Conner's wearing a spongebob shirt, and kakis. Even though it's Disney you can't go wrong with a little Nickelodeon.

"Conner, I have a surprise for you"Adam said "You are gonna be the chefs little helper today and you get to make our food"

Conner smiled and ran of to the kitchen. "How did you do that?"-I asked him.

"I have my connections"-he said looking proud.

We made our way to a table. He pulled my chair out like a gentleman.

"Thank you"-I said as I sat down.

"So?"-he asked "Are you enjoying the date so far?"

"Well this minute ha been great, so yeah"

"My names Conner and I will be your water for the day"-Conner said coming out in a waiter uniform.

"Conner, it's waiter"-I corrected him.

"Waiter"-he repeated.

After we ordered our food Conner looked at Adam in a weird way. "I'm watching you"-Conner said.

Adam laughed and told him to hurry and give the chef our order. Conner left and kept looking at him in a warning way.

"I think your brother doesn't like me"-he whined.

"He likes you, he told me you're better than Nick"-I told him. I'm trying to make him feel better.

"Who's Nick?"-he asked.

"My ex-boyfriend"-I answered feeling sad. I still like him but just not as much.

"Oh"-he said forming an O.


This is awkward.

"Tell me about your life"-he said really fast. I think he's scared.

"Well, I'm Sophie Brooks. I'm eighteen, my parents died when I was seventeen. My birthday is tomorrow, August 24. I will be starting in a Disney Channel show with Conner. My best friend is Ashley Rodriguez. My ex-best friend is Lillian Hill. And I think the guy siting in front of me is cute."-I smiled.

He grinned and started talking about himself. He loves animals, his birthday is August 24 to, he's eighteen. If he ever has children he wants three. He goes to Princeton, and is planning on being a lawyer. And he's here with his friends.

"Oh and I think your beautiful"-he finished.

He leaned in and just when we are about to kiss someone cleared their throat.

"Your food"-Conner said putting our food on the table. Before he left he glared at Adam.


"I hope we can do this some other time"-Adam said stopping in front of our suite.

"Yeah, I'd like that"-I said smiling.

We traded numbers and he gave me a kiss...on the cheek of course, we wouldn't put a show in front of Conner.

He left and I looked at Conner. "He seems nice"-Conner said.


"Is he gonna be my new daddy?"-Conner asked.

"I don't know, maybe"-I muttered.


"It feels so good to be home" I threw myself in the couch, and left the luggage outside the door.

Conner ran to his room yelling spiderman.

The past three weeks have been the best. I'm officially Adam Hudson's girlfriend. Yay!

He's the best boyfriend ever! Conner loves him, and he loves Conner. Now I just sound like a single mother.

He left a week ago cause he had to go to Princeton. It was the hardest thing ever watching him leave.

He even told me he loves me. He said and I quote "I've never met anyone like you, I'd be stupid if I didn't tell you I'm in love with you".

Just thinking about it makes me melt. I love him to...a lot, actually. He's the first guy that's made me feel special, and not just a wanna be actress on tv.


I took my cellphone out of my pocket and read the message.

Adam- is my girlfriend gonna be OK, you know, since u r not with me?

Typical Adam. I love him a lot, but sometimes his ego possesses his body.

Me- I have a boyfriend?"

A second later he responded.

Adam- duh, one that loves u a lot!


Me- I <3 u 2

Adam- how's my son doing?

Did I mention Adam calls Conner his son? No. Well now I did.

Me- good, he's playing with his spiderman

Adam- :)

Me- yep

Adam- txt u later I have to go to class

Me- ok, bye, ttyl

Adam- love u

Me- yeah, whatever

I put my phone in the marble table in front of me.

I stood up from the couch and went to my room. I laid down in my bed.

"I miss daddy"-Conner said coming inside my room and laying down in the bed. He's talking about Adam.

"Me to"

"Then why did we leave?"

"We were on a vacation"

"We went to New York fow a vacation?"

I looked at him. "Are you talking about Nick?"

He nodded. "I don't miss him at all"-I told Conner.

Conner opened his mouth to say something but someone knocked on the door.

I opened the door, and my mouth flew open.

"Told you I was gonna visit you"




I want to ask u guys to help me make this story popular. I want to make it to the what's hot list.

Also I want to ask u guys, should I put it in the watty awards?

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