Chapter 5

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Picture of Veronica Taylor above.

Hi :) <3 <3

"Yes dad, he is a boy" I said.

"That's fine, as long as you're back my 8." He replied.

"Alright, thank you dad, bye." I said, waiting for him to say 'bye'. Once he did, I hung up.

A huge wait had been lifted off my shoulders, and I felt so good that my dad was fine with my going over to Gale's house. I went back to class, and sat down beside Gale. "Here" he said, handing me a folded piece of paper. I unfolded the paper, it read: 9538 Crane Crescent. "It's my address" he said, tapping the paper. I nodded my head "I figured."

I stood outside a huge, mansion like house. I looked back at the paper, then at the number on the house. This was 9538 Crane Crescent. I slowly made my way up the cobble stone steps, and rang the door bell. The door swung open, and relieved a small, middle aged looking women. "Hello,"I said "I'm Jessica, I'm here to work on a project with Gale." The women laughed, and welcomed me in. "You're too sweet dear, I'm Mrs.Stone" she said, closing the door, gently behind us. "I'll go get Gale for you" she said, patting my back, then walking up the stairs that stood ahead of us. Gale came down, wearing a school sweatshirt, and sweat pants. "I see you dressed for the occasion" I said gesturing to his outfit. He let out a chuckle "we're just working on a project in my house, I don't need to wear a tux." We went to a different staircase, and walked down to the basement. "Do you guys want any snacks?" Mrs.Stone asked, hollering at the top of the stairs. "Sure mom!" Gale yelled, sitting on the end of a long, brown leather couch. I sat down, on the opposite side of the couch, and pulled some of my notebooks out from my backpack. Gale grunted "if you sit so far away, I won't even be able to hear you." I bit my lip, and shyly crept over, to sit next to Gale. He grinned "good, now let's get started."

"Okay" I said, standing up off the couch "I think we got a bunch of work done today. We literally only need tomorrow's period to finish, and we're done the project!" Gale stood up and slung his arm around my shoulder, which lead to me taking his arm off. "Do you want to hangout tomorrow after school, to work on the project?" He asked, I shook my head "I promise, we'll already be done by tomorrow." Gale walked back to the staircase, but paused when he reached the first step. "What if we're not?" I shrugged "I have a shift at the café anyway, so I can't" We walked back up the stairs and to the front door. "Thank you so much for having me. Your home is so beautiful. And the snacks were delicious Mrs.Stone, thank you." I said, smiling, as I zipped up my hoodie. "You're very welcome dear. We would love to have you over again." She said, giving me a hug. I opened the door, and walked outside. I waved goodbye and they shut the door, but it didn't close completely. "That girl is so sweet, Gale. Why can't you hangout with more girls like her?" I heard Mrs.Stone say. "Mom!" Gale whispered/yelled "please don't say stuff like that." I giggled. "Do you think she heard us?" He asked frantically, I blushed, then finally made my way to my car, and drove home.

"So how's your project with Gale going?" Meghan asked me, as we sat down at our usual lunch table. "Good" I replied "we're almost done." We hadn't had English class yet today, that was the last period of the day today. "Awww" Meghan sighed "you guys were so cute together." I laughed "sure, Meghan, whatever helps you sleep at night." I unwrapped my cheese string, and took a bite, while Meghan blabbered on about how Coach Paul was being extra grumpy today. "You should be glad you don't have gym today" she concluded. As I looked around the cafeteria, I noticed Gale. He was with the other populars, Veronica, Riley, Hudson (another popular football player), and a couple other people. I knew he hung out with them, that was his 'crew'. It was just strange now, spending time with Gale and actually having fun, then seeing him go back to being popular. "What are you looking at?" Meghan asked, looking in the same direction as I was "oh." I looked about nervously "do you think we'll still be friends after the projects done?" Meghan shrugged, then sent me an evil smirk "oh, I think you'll be more than friends." That one sentence caused me to laugh, a good, hearty laugh "In your dreams my friend." Meghan smirked again "no, in your dreams."

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