Chapter 13

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Picture of Gale's car above.

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"Hello beautiful lady" Gale said, as he offered his hand to me. I blushed, as I excepted his hand, and we walked down the front steps of my house. "Thanks for picking me up" I said, he grinned, and opened the car door for me. I slid in, and buckled my seatbelt. "Are you excited?" He asked, "yeah" I replied. I guess I was kind of lying, because I was mainly nervous. Gale's friends never really welcomed me. I turned the radio on, and played 5 Seconds of Summer's: She's Kinda Hot. I bobbed my head to the song, super cheesy, I know. Gale looked at me, and laughed "your really something Jess." My blush came back, and I knew I probably looked like a tomato. "Do you like this band??" I asked him, while we were stopped at a red light. "No.. Well.. Maybe a little.." He replied, and this time, I think he actually blushed. I let out a loud laugh, bending over in laughter. "It's not funny" he said, defending his 'Popular' and 'Cool' status. "I know" I replied "but you don't need to be embarrassed about it. And by the way, you look super cute when you blush." He whacked me in the arm playfully. "Drive!!" I yelled, giggling, because the light had turned green. "I know" he said "and you look really cute when you blush too." I turned too face my window, so he couldn't see my uncontrollable blush, taking over my face.

Getting out of the car was easy, entering the restaurant was ok, but going to sit down at a table filled with people who hate you, eh, it could have been better. "What's the loser doing here?" Veronica asked Gale, as we took a seat beside each other. "She's my date Veronica" he replied. I stuck out my hand to her "hi I'm Jessica, I don't think we've formally been introduced." She folded her hands on the table, and shot me a cold glare. I quickly put my hands back into my lap. "Listen, I know who you are. I just wish I didn't, nerd" she said. I looked back to Gale, hoping he would put Veronica in her place. Though he was too busy staring at Riley, and Riley was staring back. Hudson coughed awkwardly, which made Gale and Riley look away. Gale slung one of his arms around my shoulder. Veronica rolled her eyes "let's just order, okay?" We all agreed, and figured out what we wanted to eat. The waiter came by, and took our orders. After he left, we were all just sitting in some pretty awkward and tense silence, everyone just looking around the restaurant. "Why didn't you tell me you were bringing a girl?" Hudson asked Gale, finally breaking the silence. Gale punched him in the arm "first: she's my girlfriend" he said, and kissed me on the cheek "and second: you wouldn't be able to get a girl." Hudson glared at Gale "really? Who wouldn't want to be around this?" He said, flexing his muscles. Veronica and Riley giggled, while I just sat there holding Gale's hand. After that quick conversation ended, we again, were left in silence. I quickly whispered to Gale that I was going to use the lady's room, and got up. I walked into the bathroom, and splashed my face with some cold water. Nobody was in the bathroom, so I wasn't embarrassed when a few tears slid down my cheeks. Was I really a looser? Did everyone think I was a nerd? I didn't fit in with them. I couldn't ever be friends with Gale's popular crew. I heard the bathroom door creak open, and I quickly wiped away my tears. Veronica walked in, and leaned up against the sink beside me. She looked me up and down "your fashion sense isn't terrible, I'll admit that." I looked down at my black high waisted skater skirt, and my tight blue crop top that said 'Go Away' and my chunky black heels. "Thanks, I guess" I replied. She let out a long breath, "listen kid, I don't know if you've noticed, but lately Gale and Riley have been eyeing each other up. So if I were you, I'd watch out." I nodded quickly, not even taking in what she'd said. She smirked, and walked out of the bathroom. Wait, she noticed them too. Uh oh.

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