Chapter 35

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Picture of Thomas above.

New chapter!! Yay!! :) <3 <3

After we made up, we decided to leave everything behind us, and just stay in the present, and focus on the future.
I told Liam about Ben, and that he's just a very overly confident, bold, new friend. Liam is fine with it, he probably doesn't 100% like Ben, but he's not angry at him anymore.

I found Ben at his locker at lunch. "Hi there," I said, smiling. "Hi princess!" He said, smirking. "I see you didn't abandon me forever..." He said, chuckling. I nodded, "Yup." I showed him to the cafeteria, and offered him a seat at my table. So we sat with Meghan and Liam at our usual lunch table. "Hey everyone," I said to our group, "this is Ben, my friend, he's new here." Meghan gave him a huge smiled, and they started chatting. And Liam gave him an awkward smile (he's still trying to get used to me being around another boy.)

When the day ended, I couldn't be more thankful. Though I had tons of homework, I was feeling very tired and wanted to go home. Ben and I took the bus home, and I texted Meghan.

He's cute ;)

Meghan texted

Yeah.... But I have a boyfriend ;)

Oh yes, Liam :) :)

Don't pretend you forgot :0

The bus pulled up to the stop, and I Ben and I slipped out of our seat.

Gotta go, bye!! ;)

Bye girl :)

Once Ben and I got off the bus, I popped in one of my earbuds, and looked around the street. Snow was lightly falling, and I was wearing Converse.

Man, gotta get me some winter boots soon.

Once I reached my house, I walked up the driveway, eyeing the empty spot in the driveway where my dad's car usually was. Aw, he wasn't home from work yet. Though it was quite early, so I don't know what I expected. I walked into the house, listening to the stale quietness. Our house could be pretty boring when you're all alone in it. No life, no noise, nothing. I slipped off my shoes and coat, and trudged up the stairs with my backpack. Dumping my papers, binders, and textbooks on my bed, I began my homework.


Blasting my music, I sang along as I finished up the last of my homework:
"Picture, picture, smile for the picture
Pose with your brother, won't you be a good sister?
Everyone thinks that we're perfect
Please don't let them look through the curtains."

Once Dad came home, we made a game plan. We cleaned up the house, and made an absolutely delicious looking lasagna, with a side of garlic bread. While Dad got changed, I stirred some fresh lemonade in a pretty pitcher. The doorbell rang at about 7:30, and we opened the door. The mom had beautiful auburn hair, and the dad had  deep jet black hair. They entered the house first, and then followed their sons. The first one was about my height, and had fluffy brown hair, he looked around 14. The second one-
I stare for a moment, as Ben walks into my home. He grins, and steps into the doorway "Hey princess" he whispers. My mouth gapes open, and he chuckles as he unties his Vans. I suddenly recognize his face from my window. I guess I wasn't paying that much attention when I saw him from my window, and when I met him in person.

The mom and dad shook my hand and we all introduced ourselves. "I'm Jessica," I said, shaking their hands. They smiled, "I'm Lily" the mom said. "And I'm John" the dad finished. I smiled, taking their coats and hanging them up. "I'm Thomas" the boy said, stretching his hand out. I shook his hand, "Aren't you handsome! I'm Jessica." He blushed, and fiddled with his sweater. I guided everyone to the dining room, and we all took a seat. Lily and I chatted about school, while Dad and John talked about sports and work. "Hey how old are you?" John asked, swooshing his hair. I chuckled, "Seventeen." He blushed, and nodded, "I'm fourteen and a half." Ben smirked at his brother's attempt in flirting. "So you two know each other?" Lily asked, smirking at Ben and I.

Well I guess I know where he gets that smirk from...

"Yup," I replied, "I met him this morning at the bus stop. And showed him around school today." She nodded in approval, "That sounds great." Lily smiled, and turned to Ben, whispering something. "Mom! Stop.." Ben mumbled, blushing. Lily chuckled, and turned back to me. "So sweetie, do you have any ideas what you want to be?" I smiled, "Yes actually, I plan on becoming a Paediatrician. Though for now I'm working at a café." Lily nodded, "Wow, that sounds amazing!" Blushing, I thanked her, and excused myself to go to the bathroom. As I walked to my bathroom, I heard footsteps behind me. Looking over my shoulder, I saw Ben standing at the bottom of the staircase, looking up at me. Quickly he scurried up the stairs to catch up with me. "Hey there," he said, slinging an arm over my shoulder. "I'm going to the bathroom." I said, chuckling. He smirked "Whatever.. I just wanted to say my mom loves you!" I giggled, "Really?" He nodded, "Yup, she seems very impressed with you."
"Oh, well, I'm happy" I said, smiling.

"Oh my Matthew and Jessica, this lasagna is amazing!" John said, before stuffing another forkful of it into his mouth. Dad and I shared a smile, then turned back to him. "Thanks John," I said, taking a sip of my water. "No, thank you." He replied, scooping more pasta onto his plate. Everyone burst out laughing and Lily blushed at her husband's appetite. 


"Goodnight!" Dad and I said, as everyone left. "Goodnight!" They cheered back, smiling and laughing.

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