Chapter Thirteen: Violet

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Constance was in the house: she wanted to give Taint back to Violet - she knew she couldn't afford to have a cat, especially after all the things she bought for the Harmon family.

"Hey Constance," said Violet as she passed her in the kitchen to get some tea, "Are you looking for Tate? I think I saw him-" Constance cut her off, and she turned.

When Violet's eyes landed on Taint, she gasped, "I was looking for you!" she cooed, and took the little thing from Constance's arms, "Where was she?"

"She was at my door," Constance said simply, and went to leave, "Don't lose her again, because next time I won't bring her back," she added as she lit a cigarette.

Violet stared down at her cat, a little confused. She thought Tate had told her that Taint couldn't leave the house like them...She thought Taint was dead. She pushed the thought aside. Maybe she had imagined that he had told her that. Surely Tate wouldn't lie to her again?

She shut Taint in her room and went off to find her parents.

Meanwhile, Tate stood at the window and watched Constance smoking her cigarette from her front door.

"Huh," he said to himself, "she never smokes outside,"

And then he realized why she was smoking outside: a young man was pacing the lawn of the murder house, a pained expression on his face. Every couple of seconds he would look up and glance over at Constance, questioning in his eyes.

"she's gone, Travis," Constance shouted across the road, "You want to know what happened to my Addie? She's gone!" she screeched.

She walked slowly across the road, dropping her cigarette, on purpose or by accident Tate didn't know. She stood right before the kerb, knowing Travis couldn't cross.

"She was run over Halloween night," she hissed, and then she swirled around before pointing at Travis with a sharp nail she had painted red, "And you know what? It took all I had to drag her from the grounds of this house because I knew, I knew that if she died here, she wouldn't survive. And do you know what else I knew? If she'd died here you wouldn't have been able to keep your mangy paws off of her," Constance spat on the ground in front of him, and then walked slowly but surely back to the safety of her own home.

Up at the window, Tate sank to the floor. He's been wondering why he hadn't seen his poor little sister about. Because she was gone. Dead. As he felt the cold tears slither down his face, he thought about how the day he would finally get to die couldn't come quick enough.


Constance lay in her bed, sheets draped around her, smoking another cigarette.

"You know," said a voice, "Those things could kill you,"

Constance sat up abruptly. It was Adelaide's voice, "Addie?" Constance called cautiously.

Adelaide turned around the corner into Constance's bedroom.

"I blame you," was all she said.

Constance stubbed out her cigarette and stood up, frantically reaching for her dead daughter, "It was a car, Addie, a car! I brought you here so you wouldn't die in the murder house! I didn't want you to be a ghost there! I didn't want you to see Tate!"

Her daughter pulled away from her embrace, "exactly, Mom!" she shouted, "YOU YOU YOU! You didn't want him to know I was dead! You wanted to keep me imprisoned. Well, now I get to haunt you myself."

Adelaide disappeared, and Constance curled up into a ball on her bed and cried and cried, until her eyes were dry.

"All I wanted was to be a pretty girl," Came Adelaide's voice.


I know I've been doing like, worlds smallest chapters, but I just want to get this finished, and I even deleted my other stories to make this a priority so as soon as I've finished I can start a new one (yay!) but anyway, there are three more parts left: the final chapter, an epilogue and the final authors note. After it's finished I'll edit it then put it as complete.

Thank you for all the support so far :)

Laura xx

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