Chapter Two: Tate • edited

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Tate turned around the corner in the cellar, calling for Constance.

"Did you bring it? What's up?" He asked as she came down the stairs, an annoyed look on her face.

She pulled it from her bag and handed it over to him, and he peeked inside, taking it from her.

"Its perfect, she'll love it!" He unexpectedly wrapped Constance in a hug. "Thanks, Mom," he said when he pulled away, making her smile although he noted it didn't reach her eyes.

"I just had to tell that new boy all about his new life," she moaned. "And I saw...Travis."

Earlier that day, after Violets birthday celebrations, Constance had seen Travis, who had shunned her as though she wasn't there. She thought she had gotten over him, but she soon realized she hadn't, and it pained her to see him.

"Don't worry, Mom. You were way too good for him anyway," Tate replied carefully.

"Bullshit," Constance muttered.

Constance headed back upstairs, leaving Tate to wrap the present in a silver foil and tying it with a purple bow after poking holes through it. He wrote Violet's name on the top of it and took it upstairs with him, to the second floor, where he placed it on her messy unmade bed. He sat by the chalkboard, contemplating what to write, when he heard someone heading up the stairs. He quickly sribbled a few words.

Violet entered in the room, noticing the present on her bed first. She glanced worriedly at it before sitting beside it and pulling on the ribbon, making it slide off. She wrenched the paper off and opened the box inside, gasping in awe. Inside was a kitten, with a purple ribbon around her neck. She was pure white with green eyes, and Violet immediately loved her. There was a note inside the box, with one simple word on it.

Taint. It said.

Violet wanted to hate the kitten after that, but couldn't. She cuddled Taint, and didn't realize Dace had entered the room until he was say beside her.

"So how'd you die then?" He asked abruptly, startling her and Taint, who buried her head into Violet's shoulder.

"Overdose," She muttered, eyes falling on her chalkboard.

Hope you like Taint. Was all it says, and she swallowed as Dace stroked Taint's little head. She hissed at him and scrambled under Violet's bed.

"I don't think she likes you," Violet said standing up and walking towards the door. "And I trust her judgement, so get the fuck out." She pushed him out of the door.

She only felt bad a little, but most of her knew he was just a scared little boy trying to get friends. And Violet didn't particularly want any more friends. Especially more dead people.

They still hasn't  found out who it was who had stabbed Dace, only that it was someone who had also died, as it wasn't his parents and there was nobody else living in the house. Violet was pretty pissed with whoever it was nonetheless. It's pathetic.

Violet slid under her bed and pulled out Taint, who was meowing softly.

"It's okay, he's gone," she whispered into Taint's snowy fur, and pulled her onto the bed. She curled up against Violet, who snuggled into her.

"Thank you, Tate," she murmured, and closed her eyes.

Tate, hidden in the shadows, smiled at her unknowing figure. He was glad she agreed with Taint, and himself. Dace couldn't be trusted, and Tate was going to do everything in his power to make sure he barely came within a few meters of her.

He had chosen Taint from the pictures Constance had shown him, and knew she would be perfect for Violet, and even though he knew she didn't really like cats she would hopefully love Taint the way she loved him.

"Happy Birthday, Violet," he whispered, and left her to bond with Taint.

All Violet wanted to do was to forgive Tate, and she contemplated doing it as she drifted off, Taint curled up into her pillow. But she didn't know if her Mom would allow it, after what Tate had done to her. And if she was being honest, deep down Violet didn't really know why she was letting herself have these thoughts.

It might have been months since Tate had raped her mom, but she remembered finding out like it was yesterday.

Constance sat in her bedroom, a cigarette between her lips, and she took a long drag.

Once the cigarette had been smoked down to the very end, she pulled off her slippers and slid into her silky sheets.

As she drifted, she whispered to herself.

"Addy...Tate...Travis...Bo... Lenny..."

All her children and the loves of her life were dead, and she only had herself to blame.

Edited. If there are any mistakes with character names or words, let me know.

Sorry for the shitness, and the lack of words

Herondale_Duck x

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