Chapter Fourteen: Tate

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It was the day.
The day Tate could finally give Violet what she wanted.
A proper death.

He knew that they'd find her dead body underneath the floorboards, and she could have a proper funeral. And even though he couldnt be there (he was dead, too, after all).

He called Marcy to make sure it was still happening, and them sat down at Ben's desk, twirling a fountain pen in his hand.

Dear Mom
From now on I'll be gone. And I mean gone gone.
I was the one who organized the house to be burnt down.
Bring up my son the way you brought up me, but make sure he has no idea about his real parents. Tell him you adopted him or whatever. Just don't let him know who I am.
You know I love you.
Tate xx

Tate sighed, rolled up the piece of paper and tied it with a ribbon. He found Taint mooching about in the food cupboard, nibbling on the treats she had managed to knock on to the linolem.

"This time, stay away!" He told her sternly, and tied the letter to her collar.

He shooed her out of the door, and then hesitated before calling after, "don't go to Constance's before the house is gone,"

She looked back then trotted of down the street, tail flicking in every direction.

Tate sighed. In a few hours, proper redemtion would be within his grasp.
Now, he just had to face the love of his life.


Violet sat at the shiny kitchen table top, crunching through Count Chocula cereal and watching Moira clean the already sparkling kitchen island.

"Moira, just stop!" She laughed, "thats so clean I could eat off of it!"

Moira smiled sadly, "its all I have, dear." And then she took her cloth to Ben's study, where she would repeatedly clean a tabletop until it shone so much she could see her reflection in it.

She saw Tate in the study, so she quietly slipped in and peeked over his shoulder. She saw enough.

She checked the phone history. Sure enough, a call had been made to Marcy.

Clutching her cloth to her chest, she prayed up to God, although He did not reply.

She slipped out unnoticed.

"Thank you, Tate," she whispered.

Back in the kitchen, Violet had finished her cereal and proceeded to wash it up. She put the ceramic bowl in the cupboard and when she turned back around, Moira stood right in front of her.

She gasped, "God, Moira, you almost scared me to death!"

"You're already dead, dear," she said pointedly, but then shocked Violet by throwing her arms around her.

Violet awkwardly patted the old woman on the back.


The builder looked up at the house, then turned to his partner, Mark.

What a simple name, Tate thought as he watched them from the second floor window, for simple people, who probably have simple lives and a simple family and dont encounter dead people on a daily basis. Oh what a wonderful life that would be...

Builder number one proceeded to go through the papers of the house, and when he scanned over the notes about it being haunted, he presumed that was the reason it was being torn down.

"All for the better," he murmured. Builder number one was not a fan of ghosts.

"You ready mate?" Called Mark from the control of the wrecking ball.

Builder number one nodded, "do it,"

Mark pressed the button, and it when swinging towards the side of the house.

As Builder number one looked up at the house again, he could have sworn he saw a young boy with tousled blond hair smiling down at him. Somehow, he felt the need to smile back.


"Hey," Violet said without looking up as Tate entered her room.

Tate looked excited but scared, "I have something to confess," he admitted.

"What?" She frowned up at him, drawing her eyes away from her laptop.

"I did something bad, but you have to promise not to freak out or anything before I tell you,"

"Sure, whatever," she said, hoping he would hurry up and get it out. She had her Tumblr to update.

"I called Marcy, and they're knocking down the house. Right now,"

Violet paled, "this is a joke, right?" She asked, face ashen.

"Look out the window," Tate was practically shitting himself as he waited for her reaction.

Violet glanced out the window, where builder number one and Mark were conversing and drinking tea.

"They've already knocked of the top floor, so I guess you couldn't hear it."

She was silent.

"I had to do this to help you. I know you secretly hate this. And this way we all have a way out!"

She still didn't speak.

"So what I'm saying is, I guess I understand if you can't forgive me." He faced the floor.

She finally spoke, "why do I need to forgive you?" And he looked up at her.
She stood in front of him, and traced a finger down the side of his face, "you don't need forgiving because you've given me the thing I truly want. Peace,"

They fell into each others arms as builder number one and Mark got back to work. They lay on the bed the way they used to, Tate in front of Violet and her wrapping her arms around him.

As the wrecking ball flew into Violet's window, they fell into a deep slumber like death.

Only it was.

so is this the enddd?
Lol no. There's still an epilogue and a last authors note( which you don't necessarily have to read) so yeah. I've been on this for a while so I felt it should really have a good ending.
Almost 1k reads! I'll wait for that until I start to write the epilogue.
Laura ♔

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