Prologue • edited

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Dace Johnson pulled his suitcase into the house, unaware he was being watched. His parents came in behind him, along with their own suitcases and boxes. They decided it was probably a good idea to unpack the next day, as it was pretty much the middle of the night. It was best to get some sleep first, anyway. Mrs. Johnson wasn't even sure that she was still awake, after ten full hours of driving, only making a few restroom stops at gas stations.

Dace was given a slightly girly room, not that he really noticed, and he collapsed straight onto the bed and was soon snoring, still unaware that someone was watching him.

Hayden pulled the knife from behind her, and shoved it straight into Dace's chest. She knew Dr. Harmon would hate her now, not that he hasn't before, but that was her plan. Vivian and Ben hadn't wanted any more murders in the murder house, by Hayden had plans to change that.


Meanwhile Violet was up in the attic with Vivian and Ben, looking for birthday decorations. It was almost Violet's birthday, and they still treated the house like it was still theirs, still decorated it for Christmas, birthdays, and will for Hallowe'en. Although they were dead, they'd never felt more alive in that house.

"Found them!" Violet exclaimed as she opened up a cardboard box, blowing the dust off of the top of it.

Ben and Vivian rushed over, taking out the banners and other things, including recipies for cakes and paper crowns.

It was a happy moment, until they heard the screams of Mr and Mrs Johnson crying over the dead body of their son.

Down in the cellar, Hayden ran a finger over the edge of the bloody knife, an amused smile on her face.

Edited. If you see any words spelt wrong or bad punctuation, let me know.

Herondale_Duck x

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