Chapter Twelve: Tate

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Tate picked up the phone and carefully dialled the number, his breath caught in his throat as he pressed enter.

"hello? This is Constance Langdon.

"Hello, who is this? If this is another one of those phoney phone calls I'll call the police!" she threatened from the other side of the line.

He put the phone down, and cried and cried and cried. he just had to hear her voice one last time. Once he had managed to stop crying, he composed himself and re-dialled. But this time, it was a different number.

"Hello, building management agency, how can we be of assistance?"

"Hello there this is Larry Harvey, previous owner of what they now call the murder house. Well, I've just come across some information saying that nobody owns it at this moment in time. Well, I would like to buy it. And then have it knocked down,"

Tate was handed over to Marcy from the housing agency, "Hello Mr Harvey. Honestly, nobody else is going to buy that godforsaken house, so you might as well just have it. The agency will pay for it to be knocked down,"

Two hours later, 'Larry Harvey' received an email giving him a date and time. One week.

Tate didn't want the house to be knocked down, but he knew about Violet's nightmares, and sometimes she talked in her sleep, especially the night before. She didn't want to live in the house forever. She wished someone would knock it down and give them all peace so they could die properly, naturally.

And all Tate wanted was to give Violet what she wanted, and if that was to die, then so be it.

Tate found Taint, the cute little fur ball that she was, and took her to the door.

"Listen little buddy," he whispered in the cat's ear, "I told your mommy a lot of lies. She thinks you were dead, but you're not, are you? Which is why you have to go and find another family, maybe with that lovely Constance lady, yeah?" and with that he pushed the little thing out of the door without a second thought.

Taint looked back once, meowed and then padded off down the road. Tate managed a smile.


"Her, have you seen my cat?" asked Violet a few days later, and Tate said no. After all, he was telling the truth. He hadn't seen her cat. Not for a few days, anyway.

Violet sighed and sat down on her bed next to Tate, curling her feet up underneath her as she played a song on YouTube from her laptop, "It's cool, I know she'll turn up eventually but I can't help but to be worried. I am only human, after all!" she laughed shakily.

Tate pulled her into his arms. he wanted to tell her about what he had done, wanted to tell her so badly, but he didn't want her to hate him for their last few days together. He didn't think he'd be able to handle it if she left him all alone again.

Meanwhile, across the street, Constance sat at her old oak table, smoking a cigarette, when a quiet purr came from outside the door. Confused, she opened it and when let the small cat in, she remembered getting the scruffy thing for Tate. She'd cleaned it up, got rid of it's fleas, and made it look pretty. All for nothing, it seemed, as clearly the poor thing had come back anyway.

She sighed, putting out her cigarette and picking the cat up, "The things you throw back at me, Tate Langdon,"


This is sort of another filler, and I know its really short, but I only really intended for this story to be a rather short one. I can't believe I'm so close to a thousand views! I might have to make another cover. if anyone has ideas for a cover, let me know. Also, someone messaged me asking how many chapters are left. I'm thinking one more chapter and an epilogue, because I really don't have time for anymore, because I'm working now and I have two other Wattpad stories to work on. I will try to make the last chapter and epilogue as long as I possibly can!


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