Chapter Ten: Tate\Dace

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Tate made sure Violet and her parents were asleep before he slipped up to the attic. It took him a while, but after he'd rifled through lots of boxes he found what he had been looking for: the rubber man suit Ben had packed away.

He smiled at memories of scaring Violet with it and then laughing about it after, but then more horrible memories came. Of him raping Vivian, and then the few months of Violet hating his guts and then telling him to go away...

Tatr pushed those thoughts away and slipped into the suit. Just as he was about to pull on the mask Dace came up behind him.

"What are you up to?" Dace asked curiously, and Tate groaned inwardly.

Why is he so nosy? He thought to himself.

"Revenge," Tate replies bluntly, and started to pull on the mask.

"Let me help!" Dace blurted.

Tate sighed, and zipped the mask up, nodding. He knew he couldn't exactly say no now, could he?

Dace was going o be the distraction in case anybody woke up. He stood outside Violets door, keeping watch as Tate scanned the house from top to bottom. He finally found what he was looking for in the kitchen.

Hayden was snoring on the kitchen island, a bottle of wine by her hand. Tate nudged her; she was out cold. Smiling maliciously, he dragged her by her feet down to the cellar, her head bumping on each step. There he tied her to a chair and doused her feet with vodka.

He waited until she woke up and taped her mouth so she couldn't scream, and he could see in her eyes that she was still drunk. Hayden saw the lighter in Rates hand and her eyes bulged as she tried to speak. He flicked the lighter, merely disappointed that she couldnt re-die.


Dace slowly shook Violet awake, and she swatted him away with a pale hand.

"Go away Tate," she murmered, still half asleep.

He kept shaking her until she pushed back the covers and glared at him.

"What, Ta- oh, its you," she leant back on the bedstead, Taint curled up at her feet, purring.

After a moment of silence Violet spoke up," well, clearly you need to tell me something so hurry up!'

Dace didn't want to betray Tate, but he did want Violet to love him the way she did Tate, and he knew the only way to get that was to tell Violet his plan. His voice shook.

"T-tate is going to hurt Hayden: torture her for what shes doing to Ben and Vivian. He wants her to feel pain for hurting your family. You have to stop him!" His voice got higher and higher, and he ended up almost screeching.

Violet shook her head sleepily, "he wouldnt do that!"she mumbled.

All of a sudden Ben and Vivian stormed in.

"What's going on?" Vivian asked, yawning.

"We heard screeching..!" Added Ben.

Violet rolled her eyes as she settled back into bed, "that was Dace pretending to be a bird," she said, "great impression, by the way," she added sarcastically for Dace's benefit.

Dace retold Vivian and Ben what he told Violet, but they just shrugged and laughed.

"She deserves it," said Vivian.

"In fact, she deserves much more pain than that," smirked Ben, but then his face fell, "but, dissapointingly, we have to be 'civilized' and go and relive her."

Hayden was still burning when the Harmon's and Dace got to her, and Tate was sat by her, smiling.

They got rid of the fire with an old extinguisher and locked her in the cellar, where hopefully she wouldn't be able to move from, even though they knew they'd have to move her eventually.

Late that night, Violet decided to have words with Tate.

"Maybe you should lay off revenge plans for now..." She murmured as he wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled into her neck.

"Fine! But she'll only come back for more!" Tate sighed.

"Then we'll deal with that when it happens
Besides, we have another matter to address."

"And what's that?"

"I think Dace has a crush on me..."


Short and crappy, but better than nothing,right? I just want to finish this asap before I can start anything else...

Anyway, seriously, if your reading this, comment. I don't care if you think its crap, amazing, or damnright rubbish, but please comment what you think, so u can know what to do with this, because if you can't tell, I'm kind of stuck (ive had writers block for like three months!)

Love, Laura

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