Chapter Six • edited

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Tate knew it was too good to be true. The next day he headed up to Violet's bedroom, where she was sat stroking Taint.

"Hey Tate," she said without looking up. He bent to kiss her and she stood up abruptly, backing away.

"What the fuck, Tate? Just because we talked doesn't mean we're back together. Its not as easy as that," Tate was about to say something, but she'd dissapeared. She seemed to be good at doing that.

Tate sat down on her bed and his head fell onto his hands. He knew he'd made a stupid mistake, but it was done now, and there was nothing he could do about it. He picked up a piece of chalk from the floor, and headed over to the chalkboard, where his precious birthday message was still written. He used his woolen sleeve to wipe it off and wrote a new message, before setting the chalk down and heading for the cellar.

He seemed to spend a lot of time there now, but he liked it down there. It was dark, and full of cobwebs. His kind of hangout.

Dace was there already, but that didn't surprise him. Him and Dace were becoming good friends, which Tate was confused about, especially after the very first time they met. It was nice to have a friend in the house, and apart from Violet he had pretty much no one, and he didn't even know if they were actually friends again yet, although he hoped they were. He didn't think he could survive without her. She was his oxygen.

"Hey," Dace looked up, and managed a smile.

Tate settled himself down beside Dace, and exhaled.

"So what did you do to end up dying here, then?" Asked Dace.

Tate knew, but he didn't know if he wanted to tell Dace his story. After what felt like an hours silence but was actually only a few minutes, Tate finally spoke up.

"There was a massacre. I killed and injured a lot if people, but I don't know why. I could've been a psychopath or something, but I'm not like that now. I've definitley changed. I heard them before I saw them. They thudded up the stairs to my room-now Violet's-and set their laser guns on me. I pulled out a shot gun, and they fired. I died right next to Violet's bed. " now the silence was for about an hour this time, and Dace spoke up.

"Some strange girl murdered me," he said. "I saw her yesterday." he saw Tate jump up out of the corner of his eye.

"Who?" He hissed, getting up in Dace's face.

Dace pulled back. "I-I can't remember exactly. Hayley or something. Hayden!" Something in Tate's mind clicked, and he ran up the stairs to find Vivian and Ben. Hayden wasn't going to get away with it.


"Vivian! Ben!" Tate shouted down the hall and finally found them in the study where Ben used to take his patients.

"Tate? What's up?" A harrased look on his face, Tate explained to them what had happened to Dace, and Vivian shared a look with Ben.

"She's got to be seriously messing with us," Ben grumbled, and headed out of the study, shouting Hayden's name up the stairs, leaving Vivian and Tate alone.

"How did it go with Violet?" Vivian spoke into the silence, and Tate sighed.

"I think we're getting there." He managed to say and Ben cane back into the study.

"I can't find her anywhere!" He groaned, and at that moment Dace's killer sauntered into the study, smiling maliciously.

"Did you call, Dr. Harmon?" She said flirtatiously.

Ben finally decided he'd had enough of her games and lunged forward, wrapping his hand around her throat and pushing her up against the wall.

"Why did you do it, Hayden?" He screeched into her face, and she tried to shrivel back against the wall.

She regained her posture and tried to spit in his face, which he dodged.

"Why do you think?" She hissed. "To get back at you!" He pushed her to the floor, and was about to pull her back up when she dissapeared

"That bitch," Vivian muttered under her breath, "don't worry, she can't hide forever."

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