Chapter Four • edited

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"No," Violet said sadly, and murmured for him to go away.


Violet opened her eyes to see Taint still snuggled into her side. She untangled herself and padded downstairs, where Ben and Vivian were sat in the kitchen, talking with Moira.

"Hey honey, are you alright?" Vivian asked as she noticed she was there.

Violet nodded in reply. "Yes, but is it possible you can get some things for Taint?" She knew they couldn't leave the house, but she hoped Vivian or Ben would ask Constance. After all, it seemed Constance was eager to do anything they needed.

"I'll ask Constance tommorow," Moira assured her, and Violet smiled.

She really liked Moira, and they had a good if strange friendship. She whispered a thanks and grabbed a can of soda from the fridge. Constance brought them in some things every week, even though they didn't exactly have to eat. Violet thought it was just a random act of kindness, but Ben and Vivian thought it could be something else.

Violet knew she didn't have to eat or drink, but having some way of still feeling human made her feel better about being dead.

Back upstairs Taint was still asleep. Violet had badly wanted to talk to Tate, but she didn't think she'd be able to control herself, and probably would've hurled something at him. Even dead, she hated herself. She didn't understand why she didn't want to forgive him, even though deep down all she wanted was to get him back.

Leaving Taint to sleep, she rifled through her drawers for a sharpener and a screwdriver. Although she had promised Tate she'd never cut again, she still kept most of her blades, and its not like he could stop her anymore, could he?

In the bathroom she glanced at herself in the mirror before slowly lifting up her lacy purple sleeve. She looked at the blade, and then her wrist, and sliced slowly along it. It didn't really matter anymore if she cut vertically, or how deeply she cut, because she was dead, however she felt very much alive.

"You said you wouldn't," Violet looked up in the mirror; Tate was stood behind her, holding Taint in his arms, watching the blood drip down her wrists and the wounds heal in seconds.

She wanted to believe that she didn't care, but she knew deep down that she felt bad, and that she'd hurt him.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, and held out her arms for Taint, who mewed and jumped into them. "And I'm sorry I told you to go away," she added, stroking Taint's furry white head.

"It's okay. I just wanted to tell you something. Vivian forgave me,"

Violet wanted to say something, but Tate was gone. She sighed, and flushed all her blades down the toilet. And this time, she was glad.


"Hey," Dace looked up at Tate.

"What do you want?" Dace grumbled as Tate sat down beside him.

"I'm sorry, for shouting at you as soon as you came here. It's not your fault you died, and, well, its not up to me who Violet falls in love with,"

There was one thing they didn't realize as they sat and talked about their lives before they died: Violet was stood around the corner, Taint by her feet.

Taint peeped her head around the corner, and padded over to Tate and Dace. Violet wanted to go after her but couldn't risk Tate seeing her, so she ran and stumbled up two flights of stairs to her bedroom.

"Violet?" Tate called as he got up, picked up Taint, and peered around the corner.

"She's not there," sighed Tate, turning back to Dace, who had gotten up too.

"Don't worry, she loves you, I can tell. She'll forgive you eventually." Dace said.

How did Dace know Violet would forgive Tate? Because Dace had a secret. Before he and his parents moved to the  moved to the murder house, they lived in sunny Hawaii, and he went to a school called Churchton High, student population 510. And there was a girl, called Carly. He and Carly dated for eight months before his parents broke to him that they were moving. And hem he gave the news to Carly, she hated him for a few days, but then finally, she forgave him.

He would always miss her.

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