Chapter 21 -Rock Climbing and Months Later

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Hey everyone I was suffering from Writers Block and got all caught up in reading were wolf books on here so it was so difficult trying to write and read at the same time but I hope you enjoy! Thanks :)


Today was the day I go rock climbing with some of the guys.

It's Friday.

I'm not sure how Nathan feels about this. But he told me he doesn't mind, so it's all good I guess.

Zayn, Harry, Eleanor, and Louis picked me up from Starbucks and we all drove to the rock climbing place.

"Did you do that thing online I told you about?" Eleanor asked Zayn, causing him to blush like mad.

I looked at him, now eager for his answer.

"I think he's too scared to do it!!" Louis chimmed in, earning a small glare from Eleanor.

"I'm not scared I just think-It's ridiculous!" Zayn retorted trying to drop it.

"What was the online thing?" I asked interested, eye brows raised.

Zayn tried to cover my ears but Harry moved them so I could here.

"We'll I was trying to get him to go on this celebrity dating show! He needs a girlfriend," Eleanor said bluntly, causing Louis and Harry to laugh.

I giggled slightly meeting eyes with Zayn who was giving Louis and Harry dissaproving looks.

"Zayn you can easily get a girlfriend what's the problem?" I questioned non cholantly.

Everyone looked at Zayn and stiffled in their laughs.

"The girl I want. Is taken...." he said quietly.

I nodded slowly.

"I'm sure it'll all work out. Sometimes you have to wait," I said hopefully.

Once we got to the rock climbimg place- it wasn't what I expected.

The walls were huge with the small handle buggies following to the top.

We were all buckled up to the ropes for safety and I took my place by a laughing Eleanor.

"Louis! It's obvious your not gonna win love!" Eleanor giggled once she was secured in the belt chords.

Louis scoffed, "Bet? I will make it to the top before you!" 

"Bet!" she replied and they shook hands like men.

Zayn was suddenly in front of me, tightening my climbing wear as if the first guy hadn't already done his job.

I gave him a questioning look.

"Safety first," he simply said and I smiled, realizing how thoughtful he was.

3 months LATER

"Zayn! What are you doing?" I stiffled in my giggles as I entered my kitchen. I had gotten my own apartment now. Zayn was officially my best friend and Nathan was still my boyfriend.

"Saph! I'm so sorry!" he lied, laughing as he dropped another round of pancakes to the floor.

I walked into the kitchen, gripping my stomach as I giggled. Zayn looked like he got attacked by pancake mix. 

His face covered in white as eggs dripped from his hands.

I shook my head.

"Zayn I'm hungry!" I yelled, getting serious as I helped tried to clean up the mess.

Zayn helped me and we finished in less than seven minutes.

The doorbell rang frantically and Zayn opened it in about ten seconds and sucked in a breathe.

I walked towards the front and looked at who it was.


I smiled.

"Hey babe," he said lightly, eyeing Zayn a little suspiciosly.

He pecked my lips, and Zayn walked away to give us some space.

"Hey," I said curiously, eyeing the flowers, chocolates, and bear in his hands.

"Monthly Anniversary," he answered cooly.

Oh My GOD. How had I forgotten.

I instantly felt horrible. 

I promised Zayn...breakfast. 

"It's fine. I know you been moving all your stuff in, and have had your mind on other things. Do you want me to come back tonight and take you out?" he asked.

He was too sweet for me.

I shook my head.

"I'm gonna have Zayn leave, so we can spin some time together," I said, giving him a soft flirtacious smile.

He nodded his head happily, and went to put the stuff in my room.

I walked back into the kitchen.

"Zayn? I forgot it's out monthy anniversary, so can we do this tomorrow?" I asked hopefully.

He nodded with a smile.

"Of corse Doll! I will see you tomorrow," he hugged me and left as he spoke.

Nathan's arms wrapped around my waist in abot two seconds and I felt his muscular chest embrace my back side.

I smiled, leaning into him.

"What do you wanna do?" he asked curiosly.

"I have a few ideas," I smirked, turning around, taking a fist full of his hair and bringing his lips to mine.

Our lips moved in sinc and we only pulled away for small breaths.

We locked eyes, and he picked me up, grabbing my thighs and setting me on the counter, pushing all the pancake mix on the floor.

"Nathan, that was my breakfast," I scolded breathlessly as he trailed kisses down my neck.

"I will take you out for breakfast after," he replied as I pulled him closer. 

"Mmmm," was my reply as my head tilted to the side. he continued to leaving love bites on me.

"What was Zayn doing here?" he asked casually, his lips now lingering on mine.

*                               *                                 *


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