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Those hours of crying turned into days then into weeks.

Everyday I felt a little more hope slip from my body. I had actually begun to pray. Pray that Harry would find me. That he would bust down the front door and pull me into his arms.

After Jimmy would fall asleep I'd pray.
I didn't know if there was anyone up there actually listening but I'd just hope the universe would get my messages to Harry.

That I loved him, that I was alive and that I wanted him to find me.

I longed for his green eyed stare, his unsatisfiable lust, his dirty smirk, his comforting chest for me to plunge my head into but most of all his voice.

I wanted to hear it. I wanted to hear him tell me he loved me and that he was here for me.

Days somewhat blurred together, Jimmy would get up and go to 'work' most days. Leaving early then bringing back some form of takeaway for dinner.

I was relatively free when he wasn't around. I would attempt to occupy myself with playing his xbox, reading magazines I found laying around, some porn, some not.

Other days he would stay home, play video games or watching tv and force himself on me.

Jimmy had brought back clothes for me. Nothing special, just shirts, pairs of leggings and underwear.

He had been fairly hospitable, always asking me if I needed anything before he left for work. Even getting me tampons when my period came.

And on his days off he would only fuck me a couple of times.

I refrained from talking to him as much as I could. He would just talk at me, not really expecting me to answer unless he specifically asked for one.

But my thoughts always went back to Harry and how much I wanted him to find me.

3 weeks 6 days taken.

"I'm home baby!" Announced Jimmy closing the front door behind him. I jumped from the couch and sat down on a stool across from him in the kitchen.

"I got Chinese, you hungry?" I nodded, he smiled down at me. "Good... I saw that curly haired fuck today.." I sucked in a hard breath and felt my heart start to race.

"He was very grumpy.. Asking me all these questions about you.."

Oh Harry.
Please find me.

"He really wanted to know if I had taken you... Of course I told him no... Stupid curly haired fuck.." I imagined Harry's beautiful green eyes full of rage as he looked at Jimmy's smug face.

"You should have seen how angry he was.." He laughed. I wanted to hurt him.

"Saying how he was going to find you and that if I had touched you I'd be dead.." He continued to chuckle as he talked.

Anger boiled in the pit of my stomach. "He is such a stupid fuck!"

My anger finally surfaced and I slapped him hard across the face.

"Don't you dare talk about him like that!" I screamed. "He is ten times the man you will ever be!" Jimmy raced around the bench, grabbed my throat and slammed my body against the wall.

"You stupid bitch!" He tightened his grip on my throat and sent a hard punch across the right side of my face.

Our eyes met, I could taste blood in my mouth so I spat it into Jimmy's face.

"Fuck you.. I love him.." I admitted. He wiped the blood from his face then slammed my head into the wall.

"You're mine! You hear me you stupid little bitch?!" He slammed my head again. I could feel tears running down my face but I was too angry.

"I'm his.. I'll never be yours.."

Another punch flew across my face. I could feel blood dripping from the side of my mouth. "I love that curly haired fuck!" I hissed.

Another punch but this time to my stomach, I could feel his fingers digging into my neck, making it harder and harder to breath.

"I fucked you first! Then I took you away! You're mine!" "It doesn't matter... I love him.." He shook his head angrily and landed another punch in my stomach.

"I will never be yours.." I managed to get out of his crushing grip.

He suddenly let go of me, I was confused. Turning on his heels, he headed to the bedroom. I sank down to the floor. I heard rummaging as I tried to catch my breath and wiped the blood from under my mouth.

Jimmy's loud footsteps came hurdling back toward me, he knelt down and jabbed a large needle into my arm.

"You're going to sleep.." He muttered. It stung something awful; "Stupid bitch.." He mumbled, I just laughed.
My eyes began to feel heavy and my body started to feel numb. "I.. I love... Harry..." Were my last words before I fell into a deep sleep.

Morgan's dreams:

I walk from Jimmy's bedroom, bruised and battered to find a pool of blood. My heart begins to race. I come around the corner and see Harry's lifeless body.

His eyes are open with no expression on his face.

He is in the suit he was wearing the night we went out to dinner. It dirty with a large crimson stain in the chest.
I wail. A scream so harsh it hurts my throat.

Jimmy is smiling above his body. I see a gun in his hand. "He came for you.." He starts. I fall to my knees. Landing in his blood.

"He had been searching for you.." I ran my hands through his curls, they are still soft. "Harry wake up.." I shake his body. "Harry please..." Nothing. He is gone but I can't deal with it. "Harry I love you.."

"He thought he had a chance with you.." His skin is still warm as I close his eyes. My hands are shaking. "But now you're mine.." I shake my head. "No.." "All mine baby!" I let my head fall onto his shoulder.

I am suddenly yanked back by my hair. Jimmy pulls me to my feet away from Harry's body. I reach out for it for Jimmy is holding me tight.

"I shot that curly haired fuck!" He hisses into my ear. I sob. I just stare at Harry's body. "And next will be your daddy.."

I look up and there he is in the doorway. "Dad.." I whimper. "I'm sorry sweetheart.." I'm my peripherals I see Jimmy raise his gun.

Time slows down and I watch the bullet fly from the gun into my father's chest.

His body falls back. His eyes close and his body slowly falls backwards. Hitting the tiles of the kitchen. I choke.

My whole world is shattering. His body lay next to Harry's. I slip from Jimmy's arms, stepping around Harry's body. Dad is on his back.

"I forgive you.." I whisper. "If you can hear me dad.. Or even if you can't... I forgive you..."

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