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Harry's POV

"Come on you bald fuck.." I hissed to myself.

I had followed him home, I knew he had Morgan. I could feel it in my bones. It had taken me three weeks to even figure out where this asshole went to get a drink after 'working'. Not to mention another 5 days to get in his face.

I saw it in his face that day. He was much too calm.
I had been waiting through the whole night.
Coffee cups strewn threw my car.

There was no way I was going to sleep and miss my chance.

The front door suddenly opens, I push the drivers seat back and watch him like a hawk. He strides toward his car, glancing over toward mine but obviously not thinking anything of it.

"You're so dumb.." I muttered. He slowly reverses and thankfully heads in the opposite direction to my car. I take in a long breath then open the door of the car.
The door is locked but I know exactly how to get in.

I always appreciated my dad buying me a pocket knife but I appreciated my uncle teaching me how to pick locks more.

There was a click then another and I pushed the door open. Holding my gun tight in my right hand i let the door hit the wall behind it.

No movement.

I took another deep breath and walk into the house. It's a typical bachelor place, probably what mine would look like if I wasn't living with Morgan and her dad. I can smell the mix of takeaway food in the air. That bald fuck probably brought Chinese or Thai last night.

The kitchen was small but there is something off. Two plates, one used one not. The same with two sets of knives and forks.
"Morgan.." I practically whisper. But nothing. My heart is beating through my chest. Like it's going to burst through my ribs.

"Morgan!" I repeated, louder. Nothing.

I moved past the kitchen bench and saw blood on the tiles. "No baby.. You're stronger then that.." She has to be here.
There's no way she's not here.

I shift my attention toward the hallway. I approached the first door, opening it slowly.

There she is.
My beautiful Morgan; she is laying on her left side, with her gorgeous brown locks strewn across her face. I raced over but she looks dead.
"Morgan!" I shouted right at her.

She isn't moving and doesn't look like she's breathing.
No. She can't be dead. I won't accept that. I hadn't accepted it for almost a month and I sure as hell wasn't going to now.

I turn her over and she looks awful. Her face is bruised and her bottom lip is cut. Jimmy would be fucking dead if I ever saw him again. I pressed my ear to her chest and closed my eyes in relief. Her heart is beating. Faintly but she is alive.
"I'm here baby..."

Morgan's Dreams:

I am sweaty. My arms and legs are hurting. "You're done baby.." Jimmy's smug face is looking down on me. I take Jimmy's hand and he lifts me from the hole.

"Now push them in.." I shake my head. "Push them in Morgan!" "No.. I can't.." "Push them in or I'll chop them up.." He threatens. "I.. I.." Jimmy slaps he hard.

"Fucking do it!" I look over at my father and Harry's lifeless bodies. My bare feet slip through the grass as I walk toward them. I stop. I wish I could do this with my eyes shut.

I grab dads arms and start to pull his body toward the hole. I am clearly struggling but Jimmy refuses to help me. I jump back down into the hole.

Take a deep breath and pull him down. I try to catch him as he falls but I am not strong enough.
I try to lay him down as peacefully as I can.

Folding his arms over his chest and pushing his legs together.
I quickly kiss him on the forehead.

"Now that curly haired fuck.." "No.." I reply through tears. He gives a frustrated grunt. And before I know it he rolls Harry's body into the hole.

My legs give way. Letting my lower half fall over Harry's chest. I cry hard into his clothes.

"You're a stupid little bitch... Don't you get it? It's over! You're mine!" I shake my head against Harry's body. "They're gone Morgan.. I'm all you've got left.. Nobody is gonna be looking for you anymore.."

"I'd rather die.." I say looking up at him. He chuckles. "But that would be no fun.." "I'd rather die!" I say again, firmer and louder. He continues to laugh. "Good luck with that.."

He jumps down into the hole and pulls me away from Harry's body. I start to kick and struggle. Screaming and crying. He pushes me out of the hole.

"If you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself." He states. I am pushed to the ground. Luckily the green grass is soft. Jimmy grabs the shovel and starts to bury them. I want to get up but he has a shovel.

"I love you.." I mutter softly. "I'm sorry and I love you..."


Harry's POV

I'd been sitting on this awful plastic chair for so long but I refused to leave the room. I had tried every position possible but there was no way to get comfortable.

My tail bone had begun to ache. I may have fallen asleep for a few hours here and there but the awful hospital coffee kept me mostly awake.

It had been about a day since I drove like maniac to get Morgan to the hospital. That fuck had shot her up with a cocktail so heavy it almost killed her. Her doctor said it was enough to knock out a four grown men.

"Harry.." I looked up to see Stan. "I got you some more coffee and.. And a toasted sandwich.." I gave a weak smile. Stan looks like he's gotten some rest, which is good.

He really needed it. "Thanks.." I muttered sitting the sandwich on my lap and taking a sip of the coffee.

"God this stuff is awful!" I joked. Stan laughed; "It is.. I should've gotten some from Starbucks or something.." "Yeah.. Oh well.."

Stan and I were getting better at small talk.

"Have they... Have they said anything?" He asked sitting down next to me. "Um.. They're gonna try and wake her up in a few hours..." He nodded.

"They flushed as much of that shit out as they could out before.." "When they put something in her IV?" "Yeah.. And now we just wait until they think most of it is gone then they'll try and wake her up.."

"She's gonna be okay Harry.." He said, putting his arm around my shoulder. "The cops got Jimmy and we've got her.. She's not going anywhere!" I nodded.

"I just.. I can't lose her again Stan.. This almost killed me.." He patted my back and sat back in his chair.
"Harry everything is gonna be okay.. After she wakes up we can take her home.." I run a hand through my hair and sighed.

"That's all I want.." "Me too.." We smile at each other then look back at Morgan.

Her breathing is steady, she's not full of tubes, just an IV.

"I love her Stan.." I mumbled, bowing my head. "I love her too.."

An hour passed then two, three, four.

The door suddenly opened and Dr. Marks and what looked to be a nurse walked in. I nudged Stan from his sleep; "Hello guys.. Long night?" We both nodded.

"It's been about eight hours so we're going to give her a little something to wake her up.." He gestured to the nurse.
She walked toward Morgan and began to inject something into her IV.

"Now she'll probably be quite groggy so don't ask too many questions we don't want to upset her..." I crack my knuckles and stare at her.

All I want is for her to be okay.

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