Chapter 3:Different

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Its me again!!!;) hope you've like the story so far!!;)

 "Are you okay?" Ty asked as he helped me over to a nearby chair and sat me down softly in it.

  "I-I think so," I managed to say.

  "I'm sorry Ash didn't tell you," Lena told me, giving Ash a quick glare. I shook my head and leaned forward, taking slow, deep breaths.  

"Could you tell me what's going on? I mean, I'm a Vampire? How is that possible? It doesn't make sense."  

"Don't worry. We will explain everything at lunch today, so there's no need to worry. Okay?"

  "Um, sure, okay," I answered back lamely. "Hey, were's my sis-" A bell rang loudly, silencing what I'd been about to say.  

"Okay, since you're new to the school, Lucy, we will take you to your classes so that you don't get lost. "Ash," she waved her hand at Ash vaguely, "will take you to your first two, then Ty," she waved at him, " i will take you to your third and fourth period classes. After that, we'll meet up at lunch. How's that sound?"

  Before I even managed to answer back, Lena and Ty were gone. Now it was just me and Ash in the room. I looked up at him just as he stuffed a bag in my face.

  "Here's your bag. It's got everything you need for school," he said. I took the bag quickly.   "Thanks," I said in a sarcastic tone. I started to open it when I heard a small jingle of a bell. What was that?   "Hurry up! God, you're slow for a Vampire," he said, motioning to me to stand up. I did, but glared at him as I did so.  

"Don't call me that," I snapped at him. "I'm not a Vampire. I'm a human!" He paused in his actions to look at me and smirk.   "Okay, whatever you say." We stared at each other for a moment before he clapped his hands. "Let's go!" I followed him as he lead me down the hallway. The first thing I noticed, was the overwhelming number of pretty people. The second thing I noticed was that they were all staring at me and murmuring quietly. I even heard an occasional gasp.  

"Um, Ash? Why is everyone staring at me?" I asked quietly.  

"Don't talk to me so casually." I raised my eyebrows. Sheesh! This morning, I'd thought he was nice. Clearly, I was wrong. We walked until the end of the hall, where Ash opened a door. "I'll pick you up at end of class, kay?"  

"Okay," I answered slowly, not really trusting he would. Then he just left, leaving me in an open doorway, by myself. I looked into the classroom, took a deep breath, then walked in.

  As I entered the classroom, everyone was already in their seats.

"Well hello, Miss Evergreen. Nice of you to join us. I'm Professor Litch." Professor Litch, as he called himself, made me want to laugh. A odd looking white beard stretched across his face, and the tiny glasses he wore made him look like he was squinting all the time. "I'll be your biology teacher. Please take a seat next to Miss Snow." He pointed to a girl sitting in the second seat from the back, sitting by herself.

  I started to make my way over to her when I noticed everyone still had their eyes on me. I pulled my chair back and sat down, hearing that jingle again. Everyone gasped at once. I looked around, trying to find out what had surprised everyone, when I realized it was me. Looking down at myself, I found a small bell on my neck with a tiny crest that had the initials VSC.

  "Okay, class! Calm down!" Professor Litch said as the noise level in the class rose. "We have a lot of work to do, so turn to page 246 in your textbooks." I ignored the looks I was still getting and opened up my bag to find the textbook. When I looked up again, a girl with perfect brown, curly hair was raising her hand.  

"Yes, Lindsay, what's your question?" asked Professor Litch. The girl-Lindsay?-stood up.

  "Well," Lindsay started, flipping her hair over her shoulder, "I just wanted to know, how is it possible that a transfer student became a VSC on her first day?"

  "I believe that's none of your business, Lindsay." She sat down with a plop, then looked over at me, giving me the evil eye.   "I can't believe I haven't even talked to anyone in this classroom, and I already have an enemy," I muttered under my breath.

  "Don't worry about her," the girl next to me said, making me look up quickly. "She pretty much hates everyone. Well, except for the people in her "posse." She made air quotes around the word.

"Hi, my name is Allie Snow," she said in a cheery voice.   "Lucy Evergreen," I replied, smiling at her.   "Miss Snow! Miss Evergreen! If you two are done introducing yourselves, everyone else would like to continue with class." I looked up to see Professor Litch crossing his arms. With that, he began class.  


  After class, I stood out in the hallway, waiting for Ash to come get me. I looked through the crowd, but didn't see him, which didn't surprise me much. I figured he would forget me.   I paused in my search.  

Was that Hallie? I squinted my eyes and looked closer. Yeah, it was Hallie, but her hair wasn't it's usual blonde, bouncy curls; it was completely jetblack, like mine, and straight.  

"Hallie!" I yelled as I ran down the hallway to catch up with her. But, it was like she didn't even know me. She didn't pause, didn't even look my way.

"Hallie! It's me!" I grabbed her shoulder and spun her around.   "Let go of me, you idiot!" she yelled at me. I stepped back in shock.  

"Hallie, don't call me that," I said, but my voice was weak and shaky. We'd both been beaten up and kidnapped, taken to a strange school, and this was the kind of reunion she was going to give me?   "My name is not Hallie! Now let me go before I break your arm," she said with startling visciousness in her voice. I dropped my arms to my sides and watched her walk away.  

That didn't make sense. It had looked like Hallie, but Hallie never acted like that. Sure, we'd gotten on each other's nerves a lot, but she'd never threatened me before. And her voice... Even when she was mad, she'd never been able to accomplish a tone like she'd just used on me.

  "Hey, Lucy. You ready?" I turned around to see Ash standing behind me. "And, I thought I told you to wait by the door after class."  

"Uh, you did. Sorry," I mumbled, still in a daze.

  "You sure you're okay? You look like you just saw a ghost." I blinked, then narrowed my eyes at him.   "I'm fine. Besides, I thought you didn't want me to talk to you so casually." He stared down at me a moment, then looked over my head.  

"Right, so let's go." I shook my head as I followed him down the hall to my next class. Ty picked me up for third and fourth and didn't say as much as one word to me. He only smiled politely and had me follow him around. All of my classes went by pretty fast with no disturbances.   Then came lunch. Now, I could get the explanation to my problems. Hopefully...

What did you think comment please its my first story ive written on wattpad sory if its ver amatureish

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