Chapter 9:Monster

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  • Dedicated to to those whoare reading this story and are actually liking it

Thank you for reading this far, this is my first book and i honestly don't know if it's any good,so i would really appreciate it if you would give me some feedback, Thanks!

I watched things get smaller and smaller, and worrying about Jack wasn't helping my mood either.

"Ok so our mission is to help a vampire village that’s in being attacked by vampires at this very moment. all we know is that our attackers are dressed in black cloaks", said Lena

"That's it?" asked Ash

"Also, try not to engage in combat unless necessary, all we want to do is keep the inhabitants of the village safe.” Said Lena

I’ve never seen Lena so serious I thought.

“We will be arriving at the village in one hour”, said the pilot

I looked out the window, and thought of Hallie. I wondered if she was safe, or scared. I slowly started dozing off ,and for once I got a peaceful sleep, no dreams or nightmares just blackness.

“Hallie” I heard Ty whisper

“Huh?’ I said still half asleep

“I know you like your outfit a lot and such, but  I’m not sure you would want to fight in that, right?” said Ty

I looked down and saw he was right.

“It’s ok, Lena brought you your uniform” said Ty

I quickly changed in the helicopters bathroom, and when I came out everyone was talking again.

“Here are your cloaks”, said Lena

We were each handed a dark red cloak that had a hood that covered each of our faces, but still let us see.

“Why do we have to wear cloaks?” I asked

“So our attackers wont identify us”, said Lena

“Were here”, said the pilot

The helicopter stopped at a nearby field where it was all yellow-dead grass  ,but even from here I could here screams and smell fresh blood.

 “Remember no unnecessary combat ,and get the people to safety”, said Lena

We all started running ,so fast  that we were all blurry. When we got to the village the first thing I smelt was blood and fear. There were bodies on the ground stained with blood. We heard screams and saw vampires running to hide. I looked to my left and no one was standing there, I looked to my right and no one was standing next to me either, they had already all left!!!

 I saw one of the cloaked figures walking towards a young girl, no older than five. Her little eyes were red from crying and her face was pure terror. The black cloaked figure kept walking, but the girl was laying on the ground covering two bodies that were covered in blood. The cloaked figure grabbed her by the neck and lifted her up from the ground a few feet. I couldn’t watch this anymore , I ran and hit the cloaked figure in his back making him drop the little girl. He turned around and saw me. I had just lost the element of surprise ,and this figure looked like they could easily take me out. Hopefully this wasn’t what Lena would consider unnecessary combat I thought. The cloaked figure started walking towards me now, but I could tell that my the blow I had delivered on his back he had been somewhat hurt. I jumped as high as I could in the air and aimed my foot to land on his shoulder, but instead he grabbed my foot and threw me to the ground. I   kicked him in the face,. He staggered backwards and in that moment I looked at his belt and without second thoughts I  grabbed the sword that he had on his belt.  He started getting up,but I pushed him down. His hood fell and I saw his face, he had a deep scar going down his cheek.

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