Chapter 4:Unexpected

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 I followed Ty to the cafeteria, a large room as elegant as the rest of the school, but instead of eating there, he told me that we're going to eat at the VSC headquarters.

I looked at the fancy food as we moved up in the lunch line, and after a second, decided to grab a simple Fetuccine Alfredo Pasta. After that, we headed over to the VCS headquarters to meet up with Ash and Lena. When we first began eating, everything was quiet. Looking around, I noticed that everyone had red juice, except for me. At first, I thought it was tomato juice, or just fruit punch, but then I caught the scent of it. My throat immediately started burning.

"You okay?" Lena asked. My eyes snapped up to meet her's.

"I don't know," I said, my voice coming out raspy, making my throat itch.

"She hasn't had any blood since she woke up," Ash said. My eyes widened.

Oh God, that's what they were drinking! "Are you crazy?" Lena asked in a tight voice.

She looked back at me. "You need to drink some, now." Her tone was completely serious, and I felt my eyes widen even more.



"No," I repeated. "I'm not a Vampire and I never will be."

"Lucy, you may not want to accept it, but you are one. If you don't drink blood soon, you'll lose your strength and slowly die." I narrowed my eyes at her. "I don't care if we have to knock you out and pour it down your throat, you're going to drink it."

"Lena's right," Ty backed her up. "No," I said. "I'm not drinking it." Ash sighed suddenly.

"Open your mouth," he said. I gave him an odd look.


"I said, open your mouth," he said, slower this time.

"Why?" I asked.

"Just open your mouth!" he said in an exasperated tone.

I opened my mouth.

"See those fangs? That's proof that you're a Vampire." I shut my mouth quickly as realization washed over me.

I'm a Vampire. I'm no longer human. I needed blood to survive. I felt tears begin to burn my eyes and threaten to run over. No, I couldn't let them see me cry. So, I did what first came to mind...

I ran.

I'm not even sure I knew where I planned on going, I just ran. How did this happen? In all the stories, you have to get bit in order to change. I didn't get bit... Did I? No, I'm sure I would've remembered. Oh, when did my life turn into a nightmare? First, I woke up in an unknown place, then told I was to go to an unknown school with unknown people, my sister didn't recognize me, and now I'm a Vampire! I'd be scared to ask what else could go wrong...

Next thing I know, I'm on my butt, sobbing terribly. I rested my head on my knees and rocked back and forth.

"Are you okay?" My head snapped up to meet a face with deep blue eyes and short, blonde spiked hair. He was gorgeous. I'm not sure who he was, but that didn't even register in my mind as he stretched a hand out to me. All I could think about was how beautiful he looked. I tried to stop crying as I reached my hand up to his, but as soon as my skin touched his, I let out a huge sob, and it all started again. He took me into his arms-this beautiful boy I didn't know took me into his arms!-and held me tight as I left tearstains on his grey shirt.

"It's okay," he told me, running his hand over my hair softly. Of course, it only made me cry harder. Off in the distance, I heard footsteps getting closer, and just as soon as I'd begun to hear them, they stopped. I opened my eyes and turned my head to the left to see Ash standing about ten feet away, just staring at me.

"I was worried about you," he began, looking back and forth between me and the boy. I took a slow step back from him.

"So, I came to look for you." He sighed. "But, I can see you're doing just fine."

" Great, now I felt guilty, and I hadn't even done anything wrong, not really

. "Wait, Ash! No, it..."

I paused and looked at the boy, who was now turning his head to look back at me

. "He was just being nice."

"I see that," he said, then turned on his heal and walked away. This, for some reason, upset me. I felt the tears run down my cheeks again.

"What happened?" I turned back to look at the boy who's name I still didn't know. His eyes were earnest, and I could tell he really wanted to know what had happened. So badly, I wanted to open up and tell him all my problems, but first, I needed to figure some things out for myself. I shook my head.

"I'll be okay," I said, not really answering his question. "I have to go. I'm sorry." I began to walk down the hall, then stopped and turned around. "Thank you. I appreciated it." He nodded. I maneuvered my way through the halls quickly, and eventually, found my way back to my room. I plopped down onto my bed for a little bit. Then, I walked into the bathroom and washed my face of any traces of the fact that I'd been crying. When that was done, I went back to my bedroom and looked over my schedule I'd been given at some point today. I only had two more classes-physics and VSC training, whatever that was-left for today, then it'd be over. Thank goodness. I could come back here and just lay down and relax, try to figure everything out. My head started to hurt and I felt a little dizzy. I guess I'd wasted too much energy today. Which, brought me back to the conversation about me being a Vampire. I rubbed at my eyes as I felt the tears begin to build again. They'd said this would start happening if I didn't drink...blood. Well, I could survive a little longer.

"Knock, knock," a bright voice said on the other side of my door. Slowly, it opened to reveal Lena. "Hey, Lucy!"

"Hi, Lena," I replied, my voice not nearly as peppy as her's.

"Ready to go to class?"

I sighed.

"Yeah, I guess so. Let me get my stuff." I grabbed my backpack, then started to follow Lena back down the winding halls. We walked in silence for a while until I remembered a question I had.

"Hey, Lena?" She looked over at me.

"Um, what's up with the necklace you put on me earlier?" She looked confused a moment, then smiled as she remembered.

"Oh! The necklace! I'm sorry, I'd completely forgotten to explain. It means that you're in the Vampire Student Council. Only people with special abilities can enter. We all have a certain type of charm that represents that we're part of the Council." She showed me her wrist, which had a ribbon tied around it with a small charm that said VSC. I was still stuck on the special abilities, though.

"Special abilities?" I asked. "What do you mean special abilities? I don't have a special ability." She gave me an odd look

. "Lucy, do you remember what happened two nights ago?" That was two nights ago? Hmm... I shook my head.

"Just a few little things."

"Well, I'll explain later. We're already here." She walked in with me and sat down. I'd never had a problem understanding physics before, but today, I just couldn't focus. I stood up to ask the teacher if I could use the restroom, but as soon as I did, everything got extremeley fuzzy. My eyes began to close as darkness engulfed me.  


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comment please!!!!! i wanna know what you think and if i can make things better!!

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