One-Shot #6

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A/N this chapter is dedicated to.............. LyndonClan !
Annabeth's POV (AU)
"Don't leave me!" I cried out, looking straight at Luke.
"I'm sorry, Annabeth. I can't change how I feel," he said, rubbing my arm.
"Could you change it if you know you're leaving somebody so hurt?" I asked, looking up at him. He glanced down at me and saw the pain in my eyes. How could he do this? He was leaving me for somebody else.
"I'm sorry, but no. And I want you to know, I still love you," he said.
"How can you still love me if you're leaving me?" I asked, hot tears now streaming down my face.
"I just love them more," he said. And those words stung deep. Really, really deep.
"Who could you love more than somebody you were best friends with for five years, then dated for six months?" I asked, shaking his shoulders. He brushed my hands off his shoulders like they were dust particles on his clothes.
"Somebody that I broke up with to be with you," he said, "And I said I would be back in six months." Oh right, I forgot to mention that part. We were at our six month anniversary dinner.
"Are you kidding me!" I yelled, not caring now that people were staring at me within the restaurant, "You're breaking up with me because you said to your ex that you would be back in six months?"
"Yes," Luke replied, "And in a month, I'm going to break up with her and date somebody else who has a crush on me for six months, then I'm going to break up with them and date her again for and kinda go around so everybody gets a piece of Luke." I couldn't believe what he was saying. He was just dating me because I liked him. And now that I loved him, he was ripping out my heart and stomping on it.
"That's so cruel," I said, crossing my arms, "At first, did you even like me?"
"No, but I learned to love you," he said, "As more than a friend, that is."
"Well, guess what?" I asked, "You're no longer my boyfriend, or my friend." I stood up and walked straight out of the restaurant and into the rain. I was so done with Luke and his shenanigans. I tried to hail a taxi, but as usual, I couldn't because I wasn't noticeable in my long, black coat. Tears streamed down my face, and it was only me, my clothes, random strangers walking around me, and the rhythm of the rain. I sat down at the bus stop. If I couldn't get a taxi, I would be able to ride the bus. But then I noticed something. Luke didn't come out to try and keep me as his friend. He didn't even care! The nerve that guy had. I leaned back against the back of the bus stop, happy to be dry under the cover of the stop. Then somebody sat down next to me.
"What do you want?" I asked, trying to muster up some strength to keep the crying out of my voice, which you could hear a tiny bit of. I tried to hid my tear-stained face by looking in the other direction of the person, but they just turned my head, so I had to face them. It was somebody who looked about my age, with messy black hair and deep sea green eyes.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
"I'm fine," I said, wiping the tears from my face.
"No, tell me the truth," he persisted.
"It's fine. Just some jerk dumped me," I said.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"Sure, it might help," I said, "Well, he was my best friend, who decided to date me exactly six months. And the only reason he was dating me was because he knew I like him. And, now he dumped me to go back to his old girlfriend, who is like his main girlfriend, and his plan is to continue dating people who like him, then go back to the main girlfriend. Such a jerk, right?"
"Yeah," the guy chuckled.
"Why are you laughing?" I asked now mad.
"You look cute when you're angry," he smiled. Oh. My. Gods. This guy, who I might mention seems super nice and super hot, is flirting with me! I mean I should be upset that he's flirting with me right after a break up, but it kind of makes me feel better.
"What's your name, by the way?" I asked.
"Percy Jackson," he said, "And yours?"
"Annabeth Chase," I said. I heard him murmur something under his breath. It sounded kind of like "Annabeth Jackson." That made me go bonkers, this guy was pairing me up with his last name like we were married?! Well, Annabeth Jackson does have a nice ring to it, wait what am I thinking?
"Good to meet you, Annabeth," Percy said, "Do you want a ride home? The bus won't come for another hour."
"Sure," I replied. He put out his hand for me to hold and I held it. We stood up and I looked right into his eyes.
"Annabeth Chase, I know I just met you, but would you like to be my girlfriend?" He asked.
"Surely," I said. And I did something that he didn't expect. I placed a small kiss on his lips, which was the exact moment Luke stepped out of the restaurant. And when he saw us, he was fuming. I walked with him to his car, and that is how I met my future husband.
A/N I hope you enjoyed!-Piper

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