One-Shot #17

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Annabeth's POV (AU)
     "Annabeth, let's talk about this," Luke said, "I know I made a bad decision, but I can change."
     "People like you don't change, Luke," I replied coldly, whipping around to face him, "People like you dig deeper into people's souls and beings until they are mush like you. So leave me alone before I kick you." I continued power walking ahead of him.
     "Annabeth! I didn't mean it!" He yelled out.
     "Oh yeah?" I replied, "You didn't mean to kiss a girl. You didn't mean to date her for eight months of our year together behind my back. You didn't mean to fall in love with her. Sure, sure you didn't." I walked up to him and slapped him. My hand stung it was so hard. "So help that you ever come near me again, you will not come out unscathed." I then punched him in the gut and walked further and further away from him, ignoring his calls out to me. Tears began to rush down my face. We dated for a year, and eight months of that year he had another girlfriend. Unbelievable.
     I continued along the cold New York streets when I bumped into somebody. I don't mean like saw somebody I knew and was like "Hi!", I mean bumped into somebody so we both were sprawled on the ground. "I am so sorry," I said.
     "Oh no, it was my fault, I didn't see you coming," the man replied, gathering up the things that had spilled out of my purse.
     "I didn't see you either," I responded. I scooped all the items into my purse. He helped me off the ground and as he did, I saw his bright, sea green eyes.
     "Hi, I'm Percy Jackson," he said, sticking out his hand for me to shake. That name sounded really familiar to me.
     And I shook it. "Annabeth Chase," I replied.
     "Well, Miss Chase, I hope I didn't startle you too much," he chuckled. My gods, this guy was flirting with me. And I didn't feel like I wanted to punch him in the face. What is going on.
      "No, no," I replied, "I'm alright." I wiped a tear from my face.
      "Are you crying? I didn't mean to hurt you that bad. Well, I didn't mean to hurt you at all, are you okay? Do you need first aid?" Percy rambled.
      "No," I responded, "You didn't hurt me, just a jerk that I wasted a year of my life on." Why was I telling him this? He just seemed so trustworthy, Percy Jackson. Seemed like a good guy.
      "Do you need a ride home?" He asked.
      "That'd be nice," I sighed.
      "Well, c'mon. My car's just down the street," he said, starting down the street. I followed him, not in a creepy way, but like a getting-to-his-car way. You know what, I'm just going to stop making this seem less awkward because it pretty much was. I met a hot guy after I broke up with my boyfriend of a year because he cheated on me. It was really awkward.
      We got to his car and he opened up the door for me like a gentleman. I hopped in the passenger's seat and he went in the driver's seat. He started up the car and we were on the streets of New York.
     "So, where do you live?" He asked.
     "The apartment building on ninth and Jefferson," I replied.
     "Really?" He asked, "I just moved in, I haven't even met my roommate yet."
     "Oh my gods, same here!" I replied.
     "I guess we'll be seeing each other a lot more often because we're in the same building," he said.
     "Yeah," I said, "Have you been in your apartment yet?"
     "Yep, my roommate had already dropped their stuff off," he replied.
     "As far as I know, my roommate hasn't come yet. I was in and out of that apartment until like 3, so they probably aren't coming until tomorrow," I said.
     "You never know, I brought my stuff in at like 4, they could be doing that too," Percy said.
     "True," I responded. We finally got to the building and parked and went inside and stuff. We got onto the elevator.
     "What floor are you on?" He asked.
     "Seven," I replied.
     "Same here!" He exclaimed. This was getting really weird with all these coincidences. The elevator stopped at our floor and we got off. "So what room are you?" He asked.
     "Let me check," I said, ruffling through my purse until I found the paper with my apartment number, "762B."
     "You have to be joking," Percy said, stopping in the middle of the hallway.
     "What?" I asked.
     "That's my room," he said.
     "No, that's not possible! There was certainly a girl who replied to my flier, her name was Percy Jackson, oh wait," I stopped too, "Percy can also be a boy's name, and I forgot to put only girls or my name on the flier, and now I have a seaweed brain that replied to it that was a boy."
      "I'm no seaweed brain," Percy said, taken aback, "You, you, wise girl!"
      "Either way, I guess we're roommates now," I said, "Well, let's get to our room." We walked down the hall to our room and opened the door. Hooray to this, cheated on by my boyfriend, and now some seaweed brain is my roommate. Fabulous.
     "Percy! You need to clean your room!" I yelled out.
     "Yes, mom," he replied, jokingly. Percy and I had lived in this apartment for a week and he is already slacking on his chores.
     "Just get to work," I said, rolling my eyes. I sat down at the kitchen table and flipped through the book I was reading, and before I knew it, Percy was tapping on my shoulder.
     "Wise Girl, what do you want me to do now?" He asked, slumping down on the chair next to me.
     "Nothing for now," I said, with a smirk.
     "For now?" He groaned.
     "You have to do your chores again at some point," I replied.
     "I thought they just magically stayed that way!" He complained.
     "No, because your mom isn't here to clean it for you now, welcome to the real world, Seaweed Brain," I responded.
     "Ooh, harsh," he seethed.
     "Oh, shut up!" I laughed, punching his arm.
     "Ow!" He complained.
     "Guess what?" I said, edging my face closer to his.
     "What?" He asked, edging his face closer to mine.
     "Poke," I said, and I poked his nose.
     "Ow!" He exclaimed. I jumped up out of the chair and ran to my room, and he ran after me. After running around the apartment, he finally fought me. "You, will pay," he breathed.
     "Oh really?" I asked. We sat there breathing heavy, when Percy shocked me. He kissed me. And I may have kissed back. "Woah!" I said, backing away.
      "Hey, you kissed back!" He said.
      "Yeah, but you kissed me!" I exclaimed.
      "Point taken," he replied.
      "Now what?" I asked, with my arms crossed.
      "You wanna be my girlfriend?" He asked in the most childish voice possibly.
      "Sure," I laughed.
      "Then come here!" He exclaimed, enveloping me in a bear hug.
     Percy and I had been living together for two years and one week, so we had been dating for two years. Yes, I do keep track of time. Anyway, tonight we were going on a date for our two year anniversary. Percy said he had a surprise, and to dress casual, so skinny jeans and a hoodie it is. I pulled on my jeans and hoodie and walked out into the living room.
     "Percy! I'm ready!" I called out. He came sliding into the living room and gave me a quick kiss.
     "Let's go!" He smiled. He took my hand and we walked out of the apartment
     We walked down to Central Park and walked along in the cold New York air. "I love you, Percy," I said, resting my head on his shoulder.
     "I love you too, Wise Girl," he smirked.
     "What's the smirk for?" I asked.
     "Oh, nothing," he said. We walked along the path until we came to the center of the park where there was a huge fountain. Then, Percy turned to face me. "You know that I love you, Annabeth, right?" He asked.
      "Right," I replied.
      "And I love you more than I love this earth, this universe. You are my one and only, my shining star. So Wise Girl," he kneeled and grabbed a box out of his pocket, "Will you marry me?"
      "Yes, of course Seaweed Brain!" I exclaimed. He kissed my forehead and wrapped me in a hug, and I knew he was my one and only, too.
     My bride's maid, Piper, zipped up the back of my dress. I straightened out the ruffles in the skirt and looked in the mirror. "It's gorgeous," Piper smiled.
     "Yeah, he'll just die when he sees you in it," Hazel, another one of my bride's maids, agreed.
     "Yeah," I smiled.
     "Percy is so lucky to have you," Calypso sighed.
     "He is," Piper and Hazel agreed simultaneously.
     "I love him so much," I said.
     "And he loves you too," Calypso said, making sure there were no wrinkles in the bodice of the dress, "And I think you look absolutely stunning."
    "Thanks, Calypso, and thank you all," I smiled. Then, my music cue began. "We need to go!" I exclaimed. We hurried to the aisle and began walking. I looked up at Percy at the alter, and his mouth was hanging wide open. As I got up, I whispered to him, "Close your mouth, you'll catch flies."
     "You look breathtaking," he whispered in return. Then the ceremony began.
     "Do you, Perseus Jackson, take Annabeth Chase to be your loving wife?" The person asked.
     "I do," Percy said.
     "And do you, Annabeth Chase, take Percy Jackson to be your loving husband?"
     "I do," I smiled.
     "Are there any objections to this marriage?" No hands were raised. "Then, by the power invested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." Percy lifted the veil off of my face and kissed me. And thus began the rest of our life together.
A/N how did you like it? Anyway yeah, so yeah. Tell me if you want a part 2. Byeee!-Piper



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