One-Shot #4

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A/N this chapter is dedicated to.... pernambuco09 !
Leo's POV
Three Years
That's how long I have been traveling the world with Calypso. Three years.I am already twenty. Twenty. And today I reunite with the rest of the crew. I sure hope they're all at camp still. That could be a real problem.
I turned the ship to the right and brought it down about 100 feet. I was circling around Long Island currently, flying right over a Camp Half Blood looking for a good place to land. "Calypso, we're almost there!" I called out. She walked over to me, looking flawless as usual.
"You think I don't realize that? We're literally flying over it. And also, I think right on top of Half-Blood hill should be good, but after Thalia's tree of course. We don't want to crush that," Calypso said.
"Good idea," I said, "Wait, how do you know what all those places are?"
"I read through your diary, silly," she smiled, showing it to me for emphasis, "And I really do love the things you say about me in there. Yes, I do love you and I think you are even more gorgeous than me." She kissed me on the cheek and smiled.
"No way is that possible," I said, "You're drop dead gorgeous."
"Okay," she said, "But I bet I love you more."
"I love you to the moon and back."
"I love you to the sun and back."
"I love you to the stars and back."
"I love you to the next Galaxy and back."
"I love you to the farthest Galaxy away and back."
"Okay, I'm getting tired of thinking of longer distances," she said.
"Haha! Victory!" I cheered. I turned back to the ship controls and started our true descent. "You might want to hold on to something, Caly. We're going down!"
"Finally," she said, grabbing the doorway.
Finally, after a long and anticipated descent, we finally arrived. We were home. I grabbed Calypso's hand and walked out to the deck, where already a small crowd was forming. "Why, hello, my subjects. I am King Leo, and this is my Queen Calypso!" I exclaimed. I heard a few chuckles from the audience. And a scoff from Calypso. Calypso stepped out from behind me, and I heard a few gasps and whispers.
"Yes, it is me," she said, "The one and only Calypso." She said it with very fake enthusiasm.
"Geez, cheer up Caly, you're going to meet the rest of the crew," I replied.
"Yeah, including the guy who said he would come back for me, then didn't?"
"Hey. Because of that, he has another girlfriend, and you have me," I pointed out.
"Okay, then I don't care any more about it," she smiled, kissing me for emphasis. I heard a few awwws from the audience. Then I heard a gasp and a shriek as somebody entered the crowd.
"LEO!!!!" I heard somebody scream. They ran out from the crowd dragging some blonde guy in tow. Then it hit me. Beauty Queen and Superman. I threw out the rope ladder and climbed down with Calypso. We gave them a huge hug and then I turned to Calypso.
"Calypso," I said, "This is Beauty Queen and Superman. You may also call them Piper and Jason."
"Oh my gods," Beauty Queen sighed, "You haven't said my real name since before we knew we were demigods, I thought you forgot it or something. And also, you're alive!" She squealed and gave me the tightest bear hug ever, causing me to nearly faint. The rest of the audience slowly disbanded leaving to very confused people. Percy and Annabeth. Both had their mouths hanging wide open.
"Guys!" I called out, "You're going to catch flies!" They both closed their mouths and ran over to me, tackling me in a bear hug.
"Wow, really feeling the love," Calypso muttered.
"Oh, hi Calypso," Percy said awkwardly, holding out his hand for her to shake. She shook it and looked at Annabeth.
"And who is this?" Calypso asked, "Is this your girlfriend that Leo always goes on about and how she's perfect for you and that's why things shouldn't be awkward between us?"
"Actually, she's my wife now," Percy said. Annabeth nodded and they both showed their rings to prove it.
"A lot has changed since I've been here," I said.
"Yeah, we got engaged," Jason smiled, holding out Piper's hand.
"Where are Frank and Hazel?" I asked.
"They're at their cabins, they aren't engaged yet, because Hazel's young still," Annabeth said.
Calypso, the rest of the group, and I ran over to the Pluto cabin where Hazel and Frank were sat in a bed, cuddling. "Hello," Leo greeted, "My name is Leo Valdez and I'm new to camp so-" I was cut off by a bone-crushing hug gave by Hazel and a man hug by Frank.
"You're alive!" Hazel squealed.
"And this is Calypso, Calypso, meet the entire crew, Piper, Jason, Hazel, Frank, Percy and Annabeth." I said. And thus started the rest of my life.
A/N I know, bad ending, but oh whale. Peace out, -Piper

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