One-Shot #7

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A/N this chapter is dedicated to....... BlueCastle1412 ! So, anyway, this is a chapter that is special because, it is August 18th. Yep. I'm not gonna say what it actually is so that UNTRUE fans are confused. Eh, I'll say it. ITS PERCY'S BIRTHDAY!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎂🎂🎁🎁💙 AND PERCABETH ANNIVERSARY! It's a very special day, people. Anyway, let's get this party started!
Percy's POV
Annabeth is acting so weird. I just said hi to her and she pushed me away. Like right now.
"Annabeth, do you want to do something special today, as it is a verrrrry special day?" I ask her, leaning on the table she's sitting at. She has a pair of her 'sophisticated' glasses on and is working on blue prints for something or other.
"Go away, Percy. I'm busy," she says, pushing my elbow off the table, "And where are your manners? No elbows on the table."
"We're not at dinner, mother," I reply, sassiness flooding in my voice. Yeah, I'm sassy and I know it. I put my elbow back on the table and looked straight at her.
"I'm busy, Percy. We can hang out later," she says, shoving my arm off the table. I huffed and walked to the doorway.
"Poor me, alone on my birthday and our anniversary," I say, trying to make her guilt trip into hanging out with me.
"Stop being a drama queen, Seaweed Brain. I'll hang out with you later, I'm busy right now," she repeats. I sigh and walk out of the cabin and off to mine. I sit on my bed and grab a ball to toss. I throw it up and down catching it each time. But, soon that got bored of that. I roll off my bed and land on the floor with a thump. I decide that maybe Jason is free.
I stand up and walk over to the Zeus cabin. I walk inside and see Jason doing something or other with some streamers. He's making them fly. Weird. He must be bored. "Hey, bro!" I call out. Jason looks up at me, widens his eyes, and lets the streamers fall to the ground.
"'s you," he says.
"What, you're not excited to see me? But I'm your bro!" I complain.
"Yeah, I'm busy, sorry," he says.
"Fine," I mutter, "Don't hang out with your bro on their birthday." I walk out of the Zeus cabin and sigh. Leo's next. Frank's at Camp Jupiter, so I hope Leo is available.
I walk over to Bunker 9, I know Leo would be there and not the Hephaestus cabin, he's never in the cabin. I knocked on the door of Bunker 9. No answer. I groaned and opened the door. Leo was sitting in a corner tinkering with something. I cleared my throat and he looked up at me and hid the thing he was tinkering with behind him. "Hi....Percy," he says, very weirdly and awkwardly.
"Soooooooo, you want to hang out?" I ask.
"Sorry, I'm busy." He says.
"Why is everybody busy!" I exclaim. I walk out of Bunker 9 and off to the beach. There can usually get me to clear my mind. I sat in the sand with the wave licking up at my toes. I sigh and play with the water. I make a ring of water and throw little water balls through the ring. Right then Annabeth comes and sits behind me and puts her hands on my shoulders.
"Sorry about earlier, I was busy," she sighs.
"I noticed," I say.
"Well, I have a surprise for you," she replies, kissing my forehead. I stand up with her and she grabs my hand and drags me up from the beach.
"Where are we going?" I ask with a groan.
"Here," she says, stopping me and kissing me. I turn and look to my right, and there is a bunch of tables lit up by Christmas lights and decorated with streamers.
"Happy Birthday, Percy!" Everyone screams, jumping out from their hiding places, and thus began a fabulous party. We ate delicious blue food and danced all night long. Soon, it was almost curfew and everybody went to their cabins, but Annabeth grabbed my hand and dragged me to the beach. She brought me to a small candle-lit blanket on the sand. We sat down and she looked at me straight in the eyes.
"I want to thank you so much-" I started, but she cut me off.
"Percy, I love you so much. This was just me showing you how much I absolutely love you," she smiled.
"And I love you too," I smile. I fumble with the box in my pocket and pull it out. I had been planning this for a while now, and I think our anniversary would be perfect. "But we need to end this relationship." I pull out the box from my pocket.
"You're breaking up with me?" She asked, tears coming into her eyes, "On our anniversary?"
"I'm asking you to marry me." I say, opening the box, "I want you to be my wife. Will you marry me?"
"Of course, seaweed brain!" She exclaimed, kissing me. This was the perfect anniversary!
A/N I know, bad party description, but whatever! It's Percy's birthday and their anniversary! So we must celebrate. Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PERCY!-Piper and Annabeth

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