One-Shot #18

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A/N okay, a few things before I begin. One, this is a part two to the last one-shot for chickengirl02 , and two, I should've updated this yesterday, I know, I know. Anyway, here it is!
Annabeth's POV(AU)
"Percy?" I asked, my hands shaking, after I had thrown up for the fourth time today.
"What is it, Wise Girl?" Percy asked. He had been rubbing my back and holding up my hair. He let down my hair and stopped running my back briefly, before he started rubbing again.
"Percy, I'm pregnant," I said, looking up to him. At first, his face was blank, then it lit up like a Christmas tree.
"I'm going to be a dad," he smiled, "We're going to be parents!" He picked me up and started dancing around the bathroom.
"Woah, slow down," I said, stopping him, "I'm still nauseous."
"Right," Percy said, setting me back down on the ground.
"I love you, Percy," I said.
"I love you, Annabeth," he replied, kissing my cheek. I threw up into the toilet again. "And I hope you get better soon."
"It's just morning sickness, it'll be bad at first, but should get better and soon go away," I said to him.
"How much have you researched?" Percy asked, raising an eyebrow.
"A lot," I replied, with a sly smile on my face.
"Of course," Percy laughed, kissing me once more.
"Annabeth! Are you okay? You've been in there all day!" Percy yelled, knocking on the door of our room.
"I'm fine!" I yelled back. I was completely fine. Other than the fact that I was starting to have contractions, which means I may or may not be going into labor, so yeah.
"I'm coming in!" Percy yelled. He opened the door and walked inside, watching me laying on the bed, complaining.
"Percy?" I asked.
"Yeah?" He replied.
"I think the baby's coming," I said, as calmly as I could.
"Oh my gods! Well, let's go to the hospital!" He exclaimed. He helped me up and helped me waddle over to the door and out of the building and to the car. He started it up and we speeded off to the hospital.
"Nurse!" Percy yelled as we got into the waiting room of the hospital, "My wife is giving birth!" Wife, that sounded nice.
"Yes, of course," the nurse said at the front desk. She grabbed a wheelchair and helped me into it and wheeled me down the hall and to a room. The nurse and Percy helped me into the bed. "So what are your names?" The nurse asked.
"Percy and Annabeth Jackson," Percy answered for us.
"Thank you, another nurse will be in shortly," the nurse said, writing our names down and placing the clipboard on the end of the bed. She walked out of the room and Percy looked down at me.
"We're going to be parents," he smiled.
"Yeah," I smiled.
~6 Hours Later~
"She's beautiful," Percy said, holding our newborn child.
"Yeah," I breathed. Then a nurse came in.
"Have you decided on a name, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson?" She asked.
"Yes," I said, "Zoë Bianca Jackson." She was named after a past friend of mine, and a past friend of Percy's.
"Beautiful," the nurse smiled.
"We're a big, happy family," Percy smiled, "Us three, forevermore."
"Zoë! Charlie! Grace! It's time for school!" I yelled out. My three children ran down the stairs, and luckily, they all were dressed and had shoes on, for once.
"I need to go to work, love you Annabeth," Percy said, kissing my cheek. He ran out the door and drove off to his job. Since we had Grace, we moved into a house in upstate New York so there was room for everyone.
"Okay, grab your backpacks and let's go to the car, mommy needs to go to work too," I said. They all grabbed their backpacks and we hopped into the car, driving off to their school.
     "Percy, I love you with all of my heart," I said, getting teary eyed.
     "I do too, Annabeth," he croaked out.
     "And to think this all started with a breakup and a mixup on roommates," I smiled.
     "Yeah," he said, "I love you." His breathing slowed to a stop and the heart monitor stopped. I kissed his forehead and the kids came in along with the grandkids, who were already almost twenty.
      "Is he gone?" Zoë asked.
      "Yeah, he lived a good eighty-four years," I said.
      "Aren't you sad that he's gone, Nana?" Asked Brittany, my 19 year old granddaughter.
      "Yes and no, I'm sad that he's gone for now, but I know I'll see him again one day in the afterlife," I replied.
      "You really loved him," Charlie said, patting my arm.
      "Yes," I answered, "Along with all of you, he was my everything."
      "Goodbye, Nana," Grace said, brushing the hair off of my face, "We all love you and will miss you."
      "Yes," I replied, "And I love you all too." I breathed slower and I heard the heart rate machine flat-line before my vision going black.
      Then a light opened up, and there stood Percy. I looked down at myself and we were in our twenties again. I ran at him and hugged him. "I missed you," I said into his shoulder.
       "I did too, Annabeth," he said, patting my back.
       "You are my everything," we said in unison, coming together in a kiss.
A/N that's the ending of this two-one-shot series thing. So yeah. I hope you liked it! -Piper

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