·Abel McIver·

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"Commander Erwin! Commander!" A soldier knock on the named mans' office room door in a rush manner. "Name yourself and purpose." "Abel McIver; I'm here to give an urgent report."

"Come in." The soldier made his way in and did the oath post to show his respect for his superior after closing the door, "Go on, say the report."

"Many cadets have been reporting of sights seeing the disappeared cadet, (Full Name), in the Trost District - as many have seen her appear in survey corps clothing and claimed to be fully equipped. Many has reported seeing her in a bloody manner, staring at them disappearing." Erwin flip into the next  document on his desk, he grunted.

"That is a unexpected report - who else have you reported this to?" Erwin slowly stood up in a menacing manner, "Commander Pixis have only told me to inform you and Heichou Levi, and for I remain quiet myself. He have told me to alert both of you and to tell you to immediately to go to him."

"Where did he said to g-" The door slam open, "Erwin, why in the world was your door loc-" Levi made eye contact with Abel, "Who the hell is this brat?"

Erwin glare at the young man that he was talking to earlier, "Abel, I was pretty sure you have told me you have meet with Levi during our conversation." Abel smirk at Erwin before turning towards Levi, "If you have never came then I would have killed him by now." He said as his eyes flash in amusement.

Levi knew those eyes - those eyes were familiar - because everyone in the underworld  has them.

Abel threw a knife towards Levi - Levi not flinching nor moving  - the knife brush past him and hit the door, the force make it close itself.

Levi drew out his gun on his waist, "Brat, who the hell are you?"

"Cadet-" Erwin threw a small knife on Abel, the knife successfully trusted on his shoulder, "Goodness, you superiors got to wait and let me talk." He said as he took hold of the handle of the small knife and pull it off, letting it fall on the floor.

A knock on the door halted every movement in the room, "Um, Commander Erwin? This is Eren Yeager." Eren pause when he heard laughter inside the office, his hand unconsciously reach for the door knob. He open the door, finding the two superiors surrounding a man, "Hello Eren."

"You-You how are you. You're dead! How...!"


Oh! Oh! Cliffhanger!

Who is Abel McIver?! How does he know Eren? What is his history?!

Wait, Hold UP... He's DEAD?! 


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