·A Loss That Can Never Be Forgotten·

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I watch as she was hoisted up by a hand greater than my own frame, "No....."

Tears sting my eyes. "No! Mama fight!" She didn't move. Why doesn't she move? Come on, move! They're coming!

No matter what, my pleas wouldn't reach her. I cry for her harder until my throat throbs. I've lost too many, too many to lose anymore.

A man seize me, lifting me up into his arms, "Little girl, she's gone! Accept it!" The man says. 

"Mama's gone....."

I took one more look at mama, "Mama." I whimper to myself. I felt something warm touch my skin. The man is crying, "What's your name girl?"

"(Full Name)...."

"Just call me Hannes!" He grins at me, although his tears didn't really mask the evidence that he's also in rejection. A blonde boy appeared to us and told Hannes something in which I wasn't able to make out.

"Armin take (Name) to the boat!" Hannes puts me down and pats my head, "And hurry!" He shouts out as he goes off. The boy called 'Armin' grasp my hand and tows me toward somewhere.

"Let's go!" He said me. And I hurried my pace.

Everything was what I dreaded would happen. I was there and saw the Colossal Titan. But why now?

Time was going slowly to my eyes. Everyone getting consumed was still apparent despite my tears causing my vision to blur.

Next thing I know I 'm sitting on a boat with Armin and his grandpa. "Goodbye, and sorry......" I mutter. Armin's grandpa who told me to call him Grandpa, despite my refusal, set his hand on my shoulder, "We'll be alright. We'll be alright." He state as he pats my shoulder then sits back down.

A brunette guy, Eren and a pretty girl, Mikasa I encounter when Armin present us to each other. "Hi.....I'm (Name)," I said in a daze. The expression from Mikasa's makes me quiver, anxiety or not, I don't grasp.

"Eren Yeager and this is Mikasa Ackerman," Eren replies. "N-ni-nice to me-meet y-you!" I falter after gaining my senses. Armin giggles, "(Name) you don't have to be nervous." I nod my head.

I turned around by rackets of screaming. "We are sorry but the boats are at maximum capacity! We can't let any more passengers!" A garrison yelled. A man screech, "Let us in! We don't want to die!"

Just then Wall Maria broke down by a titan, an armored titan. Numerous people attempted to leap in, large amounts fail. Too terrified to watch I shift to look away, "Make it stop. Make it stop!"

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