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Armin's grandpa is surprisingly kind to me . "Grandpa, where are we going?" He responds with a smile, "We're going to get food." I understood practically everyone is in starvation and the food stocks are dropping low but I couldn't help but smile back.

Alas, not everything lingers. Time halts for no man.

The majority of adults are transmitted to fight considering the food supply was not enough to feed tons of people and Grandpa was sent.

I beg him not to go but they drew me away from him. However because of their sacrifice, the food supply was sufficient.

"Why? Why? Why? Why?" I whimpered in a corner. Mikasa and Eren trying to comfort Armin. 

Again, I was alone.

I wish I was like Eren, Mikasa.....And Armin. I watch as Armin dejected face turned to determination. I just wish....

I stepped out the horse stall. Seeing a blonde girl and boy and also a tall brunette boy. "Excuse me," I said them. They view me. "S-sorry!" The brunette says as they step to the side. I respond with a nod and proceed to walk to an alley.

"Finally here (Name)?" Howard says. I glared at the boy, "What do you want?" I spat. Howard snickered, "I'm giving you an offer." He said as he advances towards me. I wince when my back had touched the alley's wall.

"Now (Name) just stop struggling and go with it," Howard says. I lifted my knee and hit his thing. He withdrew away in pain. I took the opportunity to escape.

But he grasps my hair and yanks me back. I cry in pain, I anticipate for a force to hit me but never occurred. I open my eyes to see Howard hoisting himself off of me. "(Name)? Is that really you?" I witness Hannes.

"Hannes?!" I leap into his welcoming arms. Hannes chuckle, "Luckily these kids passed by and saw this scene and got us for help!"

I looked down and saw the three kids earlier, "T-thank you!" I said after Hannes put me down and walk away with a guy and Howard. "I'm (Name) by the way!" I beam at the trio.

"I'm Bertholdt, the guy there is Reiner and this is Annie." The brunette addressed, pointing to the blonde boy as 'Reiner' and the blonde girl as 'Annie'. "I've never seen you guys before," I said.

"Neither did we see you too," Annie said. I turn to her, "You're pretty!" Annie seems to respond with a blush, stuttering she responds, "Tha-Thank you..."

"You look cool additionally. You recall me of a sister of mines." I told her. Annie replies with a nod.

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